Workday to offer integration with Salesforce to help employers safely reopen their workplace


Workday is going to partner up with Salesforce for helping mutual customers plan for safe return to work activity during such critical times of the global outbreak of the coronavirus. The hrtech news arena has lately seen various efforts by hrtech companies to support businesses in safely reopening their enterprises.

This integration of the companies will link the by Salesforce with Workday. is a suite of resources and products that specifically designed for aiding companies in re-skilling their staff when reopening their businesses. This solution was rolled out earlier in May and comprises different tools for assessment of employee wellness, contact tracing, emergency response management, and shift management.

Bret Taylor, President, Salesforce observed that a lot of organizations depend on data when planning their return to work strategies. However, it can be quite complicated to pull multiple data streams together. By integrating these two solutions, the companies are making it simpler for businesses that are planning to reopen their workplace, to centralize vital data for getting their businesses back on their feet and running again.

This link was put to motion for addressing various concerns of the employers such as the emotional and health concerns around the pandemic situation, management of remote workforce, encouragement of communications and collaboration, and remaining in compliance with the changing rules and regulations.

The integration connection will be made available for customers in June using which they will be able to synchronize the employee and skills data in Workday with health, safety, workplace data in

Apart from this partnership, Workday has also partnered up with Microsoft for prioritizing cloud-based enterprise planning.

To know more about such hrtech news and information, do not forget to follow the hrtech cube. Hrtech cube delivers regular updates about the latest on-goings from in and around the hrtech industry.


Chandrima Samanta
Content-Editor at MartechCube
Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.


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