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SAP Supports Companies to Better Manage Employee Experience and Safeguard Employee Safety Anywhere

As the outbreak of COVID-19 raised public health concerns and disrupted business operations, SAP Hong Kong is presenting a portfolio of business software that supports companies to optimize employee experience, safeguard employee safety and improve work-from-home efficiency from all geographical locations. HrTech News

“The recent COVID-19 outbreak has substantially disrupted global supply chains as well as domestic consumption,” said Fabian Padilla Crisol, SAP Hong Kong Managing Director. “It has hence become mission-critical for companies to ensure business continuity, starting with safeguarding employee safety. Companies can leverage intelligent technologies to create a future-proof operational environment where companies are updated on their employees’ health and whereabouts, and remote work-life is feasible and effective.”

Intelligent technologies that support companies on employee experience and safety include:

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