History has several perspectives, but there are two extremely significant aspects that need to be followed when walking towards a reformed future, continuity and change, and evidence. History always gives us a ton of evidence that can be harnessed as a basis for change that is constant in nature. Every year at Thanksgiving we announce to everyone what all are we grateful for, but rarely do we look back at our drawbacks and shortcomings and use them as building blocks to develop a strategy that can result in transformation and success.
This year sure has taught us a lot, and it goes without saying that Thanksgiving 2020 will be filled not just with gratitude but also with change, personally, as well as professionally.
HR is one department that was really challenged and tested this year. From having to manage people from afar to finding a way to keep them within the firm, there were a number of difficulties that the HR teams had to really put themselves out there and march towards betterment. Since, the situations were unanticipated and sudden, processes and activities were chaotic and rough. This also means now is the time to take a look at everything that was done and in hurry and streamline all the procedures in accordance with the success ratios and the need of the workforce.
In order to make change, different roads and pathways need to be taken, different directions and turns will lead the HR teams towards a happy Thanksgiving and the rest of the year.
Let us see how H-R-T-E-C-H can act as the map that shows the right direction to HRs this Thanksgiving.
Health and Wellbeing
Uncertainty can frequently end up with anxiety and stress. Organizations now have realized how important the health – not just physical, but also mental health and wellbeing of their employees is.
Creating a safe and secure atmosphere where there is no fear of being judged and an ecosystem that allows the employees to be vocal about their emotional and physical issues, is the need of the hour.
HRs now need to leverage tech that enables employees to be educated and aware of their wellness problems as well as tech that can help them in combating those issues without making them uncomfortable and vulnerable. Having said that, the virus is still prevalent and measures to curb the spread of the same within an office environment cannot be overlooked at any cost. Solutions such as Health and Wellbeing Virtual Assistants, Relevant and personalized benefits, and COVID-19 prevention and precautionary tools need to be implemented.
Remote Team Management
This year Thanksgiving, we are thankful for having a job that allows us to work from the safety and comfort of our homes, but we are also aware of the shortfalls faced when setting up and managing remote teams. Be it mismanagement of tasks and distribution or miscommunication when trying to collaborate, the paradigm shift from physical teams to remote workforce was definitely rocky. But, with newer technologies such as blockchain and Data Sharing 2.0, HRs can now redirect their remote teams towards a network and community that actually allows them to function smoothly and authentically while removing the authorization and collaboration barriers to streamline the entire process. HRs can also simplify the management of workforce that is WFH/remotely with PEO solutions that can take care of the compliance headaches and offer premium benefits at reasonable costs.
Trust the tech for enhanced experiences
Delivering out of the world experiences in itself is a task, but delivering an exceptional virtual experience can be quite a challenge. Now that it is established that our worlds have moved to digital platforms, HRs need to ensure that the experiences of the candidates as well as the employees are well looked after, regardless of the individual operating virtually or from physical offices. Employee engagement for Thanksgiving and beyond and all the other elements of talent management have to be incorporated with experiential components that amplify the overall indulgence in each and every procedure. Ranging from cloud suites to personalized intelligent realignment of people to roles, experience management can scale in a multi-directional landscape.
Employee Succession
Traditionally the scope of succession of the employees was quite short-sighted and narrow, but with the generational movement, the narrative has changed to a great deal. How? Well, talking about the times when Baby Boomers comprised the majority of the workforce, the emphasis and focus was more towards the performance aspect for career planning. But now, with the newer generations filling up the places at the workplace, potential and performance are taken into consideration and blended with personalization to develop a tailor-made career and succession plan. Learning and development plays a huge role in developing the leadership funnel of your organization.
Conscious efforts towards diversity and inclusion
With several events highlighting the existence of discrimination and exclusion, organizations are putting themselves at the forefront of diversity and inclusion programs and movements. Despite all that, obliviously the exact same practices are resulting in the exact same outcomes. For example – many organizations still prefer male candidates for tech jobs over female candidates. But, now is the time to even out and fill any gaps that exist in the ecosystem of any organization. HRs now need to put in place strategies that ensure a diverse workforce exists within the organization. Let’s say, reserving a percentage of vacancies for the LGBTQ community and another portion for people of color, and making sure that the quota is filled as per the allotment.
Have teams in their truest sense
Talking about collaboration at the workplace, many a times it is perceived as working on a project as a team, which can translate into conflicts and neglect of opinions of team members. Building teams in true sense means including each and member in the decision making process by taking into account their views and ideas to build up a share of contribution to the project. With technology, project management induced in collaboration allows organizations to keep a record of the contribution of every employee to a particular task or project which can be used further to architect teams the correct way.
Thanksgiving 2020 Toast
There will always be slippery slopes and roadblocks on the road to transformation, but we have to learn to be thankful for the opportunity to overcome barriers by innovating and advancing throughout the journey. Thanksgiving 2020 in the HRtech world is all about the HRs being grateful for all that this year has taught them and hopeful for what the future brings.
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Tanvi Tirthani
Content Contributor, HRTech Cube
Tanvi Tirthani is a content writer and strategist with a special foray into technology. She has been a keen researcher in the tech domain and is responsible for strategizing the social media scripts to optimize the collateral creation process.