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We Shouldn’t Have To “Live It & Defend It”​ Alone!



I’m certain by now most of us thought we would be celebrating Phase 2 of reopening in multiple states, and perhaps planning some much needed vacation over the next couple of months.

But then the stories of Ahmaud Arbery, Amy Cooper & Christian Cooper, Breonna Taylor & George Floyd swept through the nation igniting protesting from coast to coast. Instead of rehashing the stories already taking over our social media news feeds and network news channels, I am going to share multiple resources to help educate ALL OF US on the impact of social injustice, discrimination and racism, with a particular focus on how these show up in the workplace. Bottom line…just acknowledge, recognize and know that your black employees and co-workers ARE NOT OK!! Anger, hurt, disgust, dismay and fear – among other emotions – are flowing through their veins. It’s ok to apologize for not checking on them sooner, but make certain you do so TODAY!! It’s not too late and I’m afraid this will not just “blow over” this time.

This is all happening as black people continue to learn how COVID-19 has had a disproportionate impact on black people more than any other race as we crest 100k deaths in the US last week. Stress, less access to healthy food choices, inadequate or subpar healthcare, low income and low paying jobs all contribute to these factors, resulting in multiple underlying health factors.

I could go on and on…but would rather provide resources, information and hopefully new knowledge to most – if not ALL – of my monthly newsletter readers. Please feel free to share this newsletter with your friends, family and network. It’s time we start having courageous conversations, start truly listening to each other and treat each other like the HUMAN BEINGS we are, regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual identity, religion or any other factor used to divide and separate us from each other.

I know you’re probably thinking, “Oh, Tana! You’re preaching to the choir!” Well, I’m a firm believer that communication is the foundation of all successful relationships…both at home and in the workplace. Additionally, speaking from a common language helps move the conversation along faster. Let’s dig in! Let’s listen! Let’s ask the hard questions! Let’s talk! Let’s start!!! Silence is NOT an option!

As a recognized thought leader in Inclusion, Diversity, Bias & the Multigenerational Workforce…I could not miss this opportunity to share some information with each of you, many of which I have previously shared with my corporate clients to help them start their own productive conversations.

Here are some quick reading materials to get the conversation started:

How Do I Make Certain I am Not Raising the Next “Amy Cooper”?

For Our White Friends Desiring To Be Allies

75 Things White People Can Do For Racial Justice

Apologies From White Women

Dear White Boss

Talking About Race

Anti-Racism Resources For White People

Toward a Racially Just Workplace

Here are some videos/documentaries to get the conversation started:

Hello Privilege. It’s Me, Chelsea

What Does White Privilege Look Like?

When They See Us

The 13th

White People

Here are some companies who spoke out about the need for change:

Goldman Sachs

Boston Scientific

Franklin Templeton



There’s a famous quote by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that still rings true to what is happening in our nation TODAY: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”

I would love to hear your thoughts after you’ve had a chance to digest the information in these resources. Feel free to send me an email: Let’s dig deeper. Let’s ask questions. Let’s talk. Let’s listen.

Tara M. Session Organizational Development Strategist

Tara M. Session is an Organizational development strategist specializing in Inclusion & Diversity and the Multi-Generational workforce. She is also a noted International speaker.

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