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Hrtech Interview with President, IQTalent Partners, Inc. – David Windley


David Windley President, IQTalent Partners, talks about the role of AI for taking actionable insights in terms of talent acquisition and candidate outreach

1. Tell us about your role at IQTalent Partners.
I am the President of IQTalent Partners. I am responsible for overall strategy formulation and execution of that strategy. My role is to build the right culture and team to ensure execution of the business strategy.

2. Can you tell us about your journey into this market?
I had a good career as an HR leader in the tech industry. When I retired from corporate life, I got on some Boards, invested in some talent tech start-ups, and became an advisor to others. One of the companies that I advised was IQTalent Partners. I later joined on as President to see if I could execute my own advice.

3. How do you think technology is revamping the HR Sector?
In the old on-premise enterprise application days, HR always fell behind sales, finance, operations, customer service, and marketing in the company prioritization. So, enterprise HR technology solutions were lacking.

With the advent of cloud computing and SaaS models, the HR space has seen an explosion of technology solutions. This occurred because HR departments could now afford these solutions by tapping their operating budgets vs fighting over centralized company capital budgets.

New technologies are helping in two primary ways: 1) streamlining or automating certain HR processes; and 2) providing new rich data analytics.

4. What is role of AI in taking actionable hiring decisions for the modern talent pipelines?
AI matching technologies excel at searching through large datasets and surfacing up potential candidates that are a good match for a job or role specification. This is very helpful in finding and researching candidates that may not be in a recruiters’ natural network.

5. Why do passive candidates need a more comprehensive research and management?
By definition, a passive candidate is not actively applying to job postings. So, one must seek them out, discover who they are, and determine whom might be the best match. This takes more work than sifting through applicants.

6. How can the proprietary software, IQTalent Xchange help with the simplification of candidate outreach?
Think of IQTalent Xchange (IQTX) as your source to identify passive candidates for your job. You can post your job spec on Indeed or any number of job boards and identify active candidates for your role. Until IQTX, there was no place where you could just post your job spec and identify passive candidates that are a match for your job. Now with IQTX, you just post your job spec on the platform and receive a curated list of passive candidates that are a match for your role. You will also receive information to help you contact the potential candidates.

7. In what ways can employers leverage AI to build diverse candidate databases and recruit a vibrant set of workforces?
As I said before, one of the benefits of AI is that it allows you to search through a large dataset and identify matches that you might not otherwise find using traditional recruiting methods. This is especially helpful when we talk about including a more diverse set of candidates into the process. Diversify by IQTX can help you identify diverse passive candidates that you may not have otherwise uncovered using your manager and recruiters’ natural networks.

8. How do you prepare for an AI-centric World?
In the recruiting space, AI will help recruiters identify talent and help with some of the routine processes. But the art and science of recruiting requires a lot of human judgement. The most successful recruiters in the future will be the ones that leverage AI and apply their great judgment skills to the recruiting process.

9. We have heard that you have a very joyful work culture, we won’t mind having a look at some of the pictures?

10. Can you give us a glance of the applications you use on your phone?
Just the basics, nothing exciting. Weather app; Google Maps; Teams; LinkedIn; Pandora; ESPN; WhatsApp; Mail

David Windley, President, IQTalent Partners, Inc.

David Windley is a veteran leader in the talent acquisition and human resources fields with more than three decades of tactical success in leading corporate talent divisions and companies. As the President of IQTalent Partners, Inc., Windley oversees the firm’s strategic direction, business development, and day to day operations. Prior to joining IQTalent Partners, Windley was the Chief Human Resources Officer at Yahoo! and Fusion-io.

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