HRTech Interview with Nurasyl Serik, Co-founder and CEO at Remofirst


Nurasyl shares his favorite tips for managing global remote teams and highlights the future of remote work.

1. Being the co-founder and CEO at Remofirst, what do you think is the future of remote work?
I believe the future of remote work lies in the Freedom of Work — which, to us, means being free from geographical boundaries. It’s become easier for companies to access much wider talent pools when they open up their hiring to other cities or countries. I’ve seen a lot of companies post remote jobs that are still tied to a single location (despite being remote), and it’s my belief that any company who doesn’t see the benefits of accessing globally-distributed talent through remote work is going to be left behind.

2. Multiple time zones can make hiring challenging. Could you enlist the top HR considerations while hiring globally?
When team members work remotely from varied time zones, they become better placed to enhance productivity. Firstly because the distributed workforce model frees employees from unnecessary transportation interruptions, so they spend less time on traveling and more on actual
work. Secondly, employees have more room to connect with friends and family, which was more challenging in traditional workforce models. When hiring the best talent, we take less note of which time zone they are in and more so how confident they feel in working asynchronously.

3. Why should remote brands embrace asynchronous communication?
According to a survey, asynchronous remote workers save 2-3.5 hours per day from reduced in- person meetings and commuting. Asynchronous work also gives employees more control over their day and allows them to be productive at the times when they are most productive (as opposed to when everyone else is online).

4. What is an Employer of Record (EOR)?
An Employer of Record (EOR) helps companies expand internationally by hiring and paying employees on behalf of another company. EORs assume the responsibility for all formal employment tasks, including international payroll and compliance documentation. Simply put, using an Employer of Record (EOR) allows companies to legally and efficiently hire workers in other countries without having to set up a local entity or risk violating local employment laws.

5. How should brands go about virtual employee onboarding?

Virtual employee onboarding should include extra communication and check-ins — when your employees aren’t spending their first day in an office, it’s important to still make them feel welcomed and excited.

A good way to do this is by setting up a clear onboarding process with reading materials and action items, and assigning new employees an “onboarding buddy” (ideally in the same department) who they can see as a resource and point of contact for questions that come up when first joining a company.

6. What are the best features of Remofirst’s HRIS platform?
Remofirst offers Employer of Record (EOR) services that allow employers to hire and pay employees in 150+ countries. This service makes it so companies don’t need to establish multiple
legal entities to access global talent, and can pay their global employees easily and in local currencies. Additionally, we like to take it a step further and help our clients provision equipment to their global hires and provide benefits no matter where in the world they are.

7. Which tools does Remofirst use for remote work?
We use many tools to help our remote team collaborate and stay connected, these are some of our favorites:

8. Can you share your favorite tips for managing global remote teams?
My 4 favorite tips for managing global remote teams are:
1. Create Structure: Assign Responsibilities and Welcome Employee Input
2. Communication, Regular Check-ins, and Continuous Feedback
3. Create Well-Documented Procedures and Processes
4. Build An Environment Of Trust

9. Remofirst raised $14.1M, the largest seed round in your industry. What’s your vision for the future and the path ahead?
We founded Remofirst in 2021 with a mission to make EOR affordable, so that companies can hire the best talent around the world in a way that is not cost-prohibitive. We want to continue offering best in class support, while continuing to announce more product updates that improve our prices even further.

10. How are you building a remote culture for your company?
We’re building a remote-first culture at Remofirst by making sure our employees feel connected and supported, no matter where in the world they are located. We make sure every employee has at least 2-3 colleagues in similar time zones so they can connect during the day time, and we have regular check-ins with our Head of People to see what areas could be improved. We also
schedule team offsites 1-2 times per year so that we can all meet in person and get excited for the next 6 months.

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Nurasyl Serik Co-founder and CEO at Remofirst

Nurasyl Serik is originally from Kazakhstan and has lived most of his life in the UK. He got into the Remote Work space about 6 years ago, after starting several bootstrapped startups — before Remofirst he had one successful exit with Felix Math (an AI math product). Realizing that one of the biggest challenges for remote-first companies is hiring people around the world in a compliant way, he and his Co-founder tackled this industry to make EOR affordable, so all companies can grow their remote teams around the world.


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