hireEZ Launches EZ Rediscovery and EZ Insights


hireEZ, the leading AI-powered outbound recruiting platform, today announced the launch of EZ Rediscovery and EZ Insights as part of the company’s mission to advance outbound recruiting and give organizations the data-driven solutions they need to succeed in today’s unprecedented and competitive talent marketplace.

“EZ Rediscovery and EZ Insights represent key milestones as part of our long-term product roadmap as we work to accelerate outbound recruiting within the industry,” said Steven Jiang, founder & CEO of hireEZ. “These additions to our product portfolio are designed to help organizations make the seismic shift from passive to proactive recruiting with access to up-to-date candidate profiles and market data. Having the right information at the right time is the single most important factor that will determine the success of organizations today that need to hire the right talent to scale and support their growth objectives.”

Today, many organizations use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to store and organize information from prior applicants, though this information can quickly become outdated and less valuable. EZ Rediscovery helps organizations unlock the potential of candidate profiles in their ATS by transforming and updating critical information including work history, skills, email addresses, phone numbers and more.

“We developed EZ Rediscovery to address a critical unmet need that so many organizations face today. Many recruiters rely on their ATS to search for potential candidates but if that information doesn’t reflect a candidate’s recent work experience or includes incorrect contact information, that puts the recruiter at a severe disadvantage,” said Xinwen Zhang, CTO and co-founder of hireEZ. “With EZ Rediscovery, recruiters can maximize the value of their ATS investment and easily sync candidate data across hireEZ and their ATS.”

In addition to hiring individual positions, many companies are also challenged with the complexities of developing long-term plans for their workforce. With EZ Insights, talent acquisition leaders can develop strategic and data-driven workforce plans with access industry-wide and competitor-specific benchmarking data that includes key metrics such as the total number of employees in functional areas, the average tenure of employees by title and company and diversity information.

“Leadership team members who are responsible for workforce planning can’t rely on anecdotal evidence alone,” said Jiang. “EZ Insights provides the concrete and actionable data they need to make informed decisions.”

EZ Rediscovery and EZ Insights are now available as part of the hireEZ platform. To learn more about hireEZ and how it can help you break free from outdated systems, visit hireez.com.

Additional Resources                 
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/hireez/mycompany/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hireez
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hireez

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