Greenhouse Named a Leader in IDC MarketScape

Report recognizes Greenhouse for holistic and forward-thinking approach to recruiting

IDC MarketScape

Greenhousethe hiring software company, today announced the company has been named a Leader in the IDC MarketScape Worldwide Modern Talent Acquisition Suites for Large Enterprise 2020 Vendor Assessment (doc #US45438920, September 2020)1. Acknowledged for its suite of software and services that help over 4,000 companies build powerful hiring strategies to stay ahead of their talent needs, Greenhouse was named a Leader for Medium-Sized Enterpriseand Small and Mid-Sized Businesses.3

The IDC MarketScape report analyzed 13 vendors to determine their ability to successfully transform recruiting processes before, during and after implementation. In the report Megan Buttita, Research Director for IDC’s Emerging Trends in Talent Acquisition, notes “vendors that provide product reliability, innovation, customer satisfaction and service, and in-demand cutting-edge features and functionality will thrive as the global economy returns to growth and enters the next normal.”

Greenhouse’s position as a Leader is differentiated by its Hiring MaturityTM methodology and innovative, industry-leading software that supports hiring beyond a single piece of technology or point in the process. Noted by Buttita is the impact of the company’s growth over the past 12 months: “Greenhouse has upped its game on the international stage by expanding its international reach with career pages in 18 languages and the international team sitting in Dublin.”

By leveraging Greenhouse’s structured interview and feedback technology, business leaders and talent practitioners benefit from a solution tailored to fit their unique business needs. Greenhouse’s key strengths outlined in the report help customers to:

  • Build a structured hiring approach by creating an environment for change which is helping transform talent acquisition teams.
  • Support diversity and inclusion by giving TA teams robust interview and feedback technology to design an equitable hiring process.
  • Empower business leaders with data and analytics which support human-led talent decisions and instill confidence to own the modern hiring experience.

“Employers are seeing a spike in available talent in the current job market which makes investing in a collaborative, long-term technology partner vital for a company’s ability to transform hiring into their competitive advantage. A high performing people strategy isn’t just a series of one-off tasks the recruiters execute, it’s everything from the candidate’s first email interaction to your new hire’s first day,” said Jon Stross, president and co-founder, Greenhouse. “Recognition as a Leader in the IDC MarketScape is a testament to the increasing focus on tools that help companies discover their hiring blind spots and get better over time. People are the foundation to any company’s success which means that leaders and recruiting teams need to invest in new and creative ways to measurably get better at hiring.”


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