A new online solution that connects job seekers to employers and recruiters. LayOffers, will now be offering its users’ contact information of around 370,000 recruiters. This information has been taken from ZoomInfo. The hrtech news space has been showcasing the efforts of hrtech companies to aid the laid-off workers.
A supportive community- is how LayOffers describes itself. This solution allows workers that are laid off to share their information, track layoffs, and access job-search data. The site was launched in April, and it had then reported somewhere around 200 layoffs as well as company reviews and multiple discussions.
The site has one feature which is particularly intriguing and it is that the solution allows hirers or recruiters to look for job seekers and candidates by their previous employer, years of experience, industry, as well as job type as keywords talent acquisition.
Jeffrey Jewett, the founder, and CEO of LayOffers stated that when he and the team had set out on the mission of helping one million workers who were laid off, displaced, they thought they were stretching. Now, by offering contact information of recruiters, they are in a position of helping every worker who is displaced, and not just their initial goal of 1 million workers.
Every week since the launch of the solution, several thousand job seekers and recruiters have joined the site as stated by LayOffers. More than ten thousand jobs from around 5,900 companies have been posted on the site. The jobs posting live on the site for only 14 days. This is done to ensure the validity of every position posted.
Jewett is currently self-funding LayOffers and has a background of serving as a technology executive. As per his profile on LinkedIn, Jeffery was previously the vice president of global revenue operations and demand generation for the partnership cloud provider, Impact as well as the senior director of demand generation and revenue operations at the firm that provides construction software, Procure Technologies. Jeffery is also an advisor to Kwanzoo, the marketing platform.
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Chandrima Samanta
Content-Editor at MartechCube
Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.