Vishal Ahluwalia transitioned to role of CEO of HRtech company

Vishal Ahluwalia, a JP Morgan Chase executive transitioned to the role as the CEO of new right-brain HRtech company KeeperHR


KeeperHR, a startup that helps firms in talent acquisition by utilizing a series of questions answered with Imagery to glean data-driven insights about individuals. These outcomes, augmented by data analytics and behavioral science can then be utilized by organizations to develop strong, cohesive teams with a diversity of thought, ultimately improving employee engagement and retention and providing research and data for constant improvement of cultural insights.

Ritesh Patel, Chief Digital Officer-Health at Ogilvy said that “The idea of KeeperHR is to capitalize on what the incoming workforce is already doing—using digital media to express themselves, connect with other people, and share their passions digitally and turn that into a tool for the recruitment process.”

Founder of the startup Dean Graziano has carried these cheeky images into the workplace to revolutionize the way employers assess soft skills. Graziano has founded companies like uZoom and Visible Technologies.

In 2019, Graziano hit another win following a pitch meeting with leadership and innovation expert Vishal Ahluwalia. Instantly, Vishal knew Dean was onto something special. In March 2020, Vishal said farewell to a longtime career in the finance industry and transitioned to his new role as CEO & Co-Founder of KeeperHR, working alongside Dean to construct out the company.

Vishal Ahluwalia said “I am excited to transition from JP Morgan Chase, to take over as Co-Founder & CEO of KeeperHR. During my 20+ year career going from managing over 1000 people in tea gardens at the age of 19 all the way to managing large global workforces in companies like Credit Suisse, and UBS, I recognize soft skills as a tremendous driver of the culture and overall success of a company. KeeperHR gives businesses the power to leverage those skills. I am pleased to announce the foray and activities of KeeperHR in global markets and the launch of the platform in the B2C space.”

KeeperHR is working closely with companies like Vodafone, First Abu Dhabi Bank, Ogilvy, Ernst & Young, Geometry, Merck, and Capgemini, across Banking, Telecom, Consulting, and Pharmaceutical industries.

Director HR IND Global Operations at VOIS, Surender Mehta, said “Great workplaces will increasingly be differentiated by the authenticity of employee experience while delivering organization goals. KeeperHR is attempting to reveal personal attributes in a digital and fun way for enabling the belonging culture.”

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Chandrima Samanta
Content-Editor at MartechCube
Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.


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