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The YoPro Know releases report on benefits & wellness in the workplace

The YoPro Know, a leading consulting firm that helps companies create a future where all generations thrive, has released a new report showing the importance of work-life balance and other key wellness factors in the workplace.

Transforming Talent Retention: The Benefits and Wellness Report pulls data from more than 500 interviews with individuals ages 21-39 and shows that companies that promote and understand more diverse health needs will see an increase in employee morale and talent retention.

Some highlights from Transforming Talent Retention, which focuses on all aspects of wellness including social and mental to financial and physical:

Download the entire free Report here.

Transforming Talent Retention also looks at ways that companies can help transform their mental health programs for their employees such as paying for streaming subscriptions for remote employees; offering more nutritious snacks around the office; or by adding more ergonomic workstations.

“By identifying that all generations have diverse mental health needs and benefit desires — comprehensive wellness programs, robust mental health support, and meaningful benefits — we allow businesses to foster a more committed and productive workforce,” said Kamber Parker Bowden, founder of The YoPro Know.

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