SWOOP Analytics Introduces SharePoint Intranet Analytics


Digital workplace analytics provider SWOOP Analytics today officially launched its newest product – SWOOP Analytics for SharePoint intranet, providing easy-to-understand intranet analytics for people who are not analysts.

SWOOP’s analytics provide a health score on company intranets, clearly showing the quality of each page, the user experience and employee engagement across the intranet to ensure companies have high quality, engaging content.

Web-based analytics tools provide insights into page views, but SWOOP Analytics gives you confidence your intranet is working, with key statistics on visitor activity, the time spent on pages and data on what devices are being used to access content.

SWOOP Analytics for SharePoint intranet makes governance easier by alerting you to pages that need fixing, or are out of date, and show you which pages are being accessed by different parts of your organization.

Importantly, SWOOP Analytics for SharePoint intranet lets you know if your intranet is fit for purpose, something you can’t know without effectively measuring it. SWOOP’s analytics helps make intranets useful, useable and used.

Other features of SWOOP Analytics for SharePoint intranet include:

  • Reports on your intranet’s top sites, pages, news items and files to give you an understanding of top content.
  • Measures the typical time visitors spend on the intranet and reports on engagement for each page.
  • Insights on when to schedule your content with information on the most active times of the day for visitors.
  • Clarity on the reach of your content with reports on which audiences visit your intranet, sites and pages.
  • Support for common governance and quality issues, such as the age of content, spelling mistakes and broken links.
  • A snapshot of the overall health of your intranet, covering the quality, experience and engagement of content.

SWOOP Analytics for SharePoint intranet even measures the number of pages on an intranet and can identify which pages are no longer visited, the number of news stories and how many people read and interacted with them, and where people are located when they access the intranet.

“We want to equip organizations to take their intranets to the next level by focusing on more than vanity metrics and instead look at how people engage with their content,” said Matt Dodd, SWOOP Analytics’ Product Director.

“Relying on consumer-based metrics can lead to poor understanding of what’s really happening on your intranet.”

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