SilkRoad Technology won a Brandon Hall Group bronze award


SilkRoad Technology, the world-class talent acquisition leader, won a Brandon Hall Group bronze award for Excellence in Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program.

The award-winning Commit to Your Craft Learning Journeys reimagines how SilkRoad uses their solutions, SilkRoad Onboarding and SilkRoad Learning. They are a structured, proprietary learning philosophy that delivers sequenced learning comprised of live and self-paced training, practice exercises in a live demo environment, knowledge checks, solution simulations and mentoring to ensure retention and understanding of critical concepts. The structured curriculum is delivered in a task based, mobile-friendly microlearning approach that has enabled SilkRoad to standardize product knowledge across its global, remote workforce establishing proficiency certifications for its core solutions.

Initially rolled out to SilkRoad employees, Commit to Your Craft learners receive badges for their completion of each product certification and are announced on the company’s monthly all-hands summits. SilkRoad also has clients leveraging Learning Journeys to create proficiency programs delivered as they welcome new hires to their organization.

“After the immense change in how we work over the last two years and the renewed focus on learning as a recruiting, retention, and performance tool, reimagining how we deliver training has become paramount. Learning Journeys allow us to deliver blended learning at scale while providing a hands-on, personalized experience. They have allowed us to increase our test scores by 3%, spend more 1:1 with each student, yet reduce our resource requirements and cost by roughly 80%,” said Chris Corbin, SilkRoad’s Senior Director of Training.

“Excellence Award winners distinguish themselves through their growing understanding that all the functions of HCM are integrated and must work together to move businesses forward,” said Brandon Hall Group Chief Operating Officer Rachel Cooke, leader of the HCM Excellence Awards program.

The 2022 Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards are given for work in Learning and Development, Talent Management, Leadership Development, Talent Acquisition, Human Resources, Sales Performance, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, and Future of Work.

Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives based upon these criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, innovation and overall measurable benefits.

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