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Seramount Revealed the 2024 Inclusion Index


Seramount unveiled its sixth annual Inclusion Index . The Inclusion Index helps organizations understand trends and opportunities in demographic representation, creates a road map to drive internal change, and identifies diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) solutions to close any gaps. Organizations provided data and were measured in three key areas: best practices in the recruitment, retention, and advancement of people from underrepresented groups—women, racial/ethnic groups, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ+ people; inclusive corporate culture; and demographic diversity.

This year, 160 organizations applied to participate in the Seramount Inclusion Index. Twenty-nine organizations are recognized for superior achievement as Pinnacle Inclusion Index companies, which is defined as receiving an 80% or higher score. Forty-two of those listed on the 2024 Inclusion Index received a 70% or higher score, qualifying as Leading Inclusion Index companies, and thirty-eight of those listed achieved at least 60% of the available points to qualify for the overall Index. Completed applications were collected online from December 2023 through March 2024. Results reveal opportunities for all organizations to target their diversity and inclusion efforts for greater effectiveness.

“We take immense pride in the effectiveness of DEI best practices among our Inclusion Index organizations,” said Katie Oertli Mooney, Managing Director of Seramount. “These organizations consistently raise the bar on building and sustaining inclusive workplaces with their unwavering commitment, even in the face of today’s DEI backlash.”
Key findings from the 2024 Seramount Inclusion Index include these:

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