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Praisidio Receives 2022 HR Tech Award


Praisidio, the leader in talent retention management, today announced it has received the 2022 HR Tech Award for Best Emerging Tech Solution in the Talent Management category.

Praisidio’s Procaire platform analyzes enterprise metadata including workload, relationships, development, promotional history, compensation and recognition to accurately predict attrition risk in real-time. The platform then presents contextually effective retention recommendations which HR professionals can track on retention impact dashboards that measure the business impact of implemented retention actions.

HR Tech Award winners are selected by an independent panel of judges drawn from industry positions (CXOs, talent leaders, and other business professionals), academia, and other relevant subject matter experts.

“Retention is on every company’s mind right now, but the difficulty is a wide range of contributing factors that can lead to employee turnover,” said Ben Eubanks, Chief Research Officer, Lighthouse Research & Advisory. “Praisidio’s Procaire solution tackles this problem by hooking into an organization’s existing technology stack, identifying signals that indicate who may be departing so that HR teams can intervene. The insights it brings to the forefront are simply incredible.”

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