People Tech Group Launches Ackolyte

The public cloud ecosystem has an exciting, new entrant in Ackolyte, a cloud consultancy launched July 1st of this year by People Tech Group (PTG). Ackolyte is exclusively focused on helping clients migrate to and maximize use of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Founder James Adams, an industry veteran who has built and scaled the AWS consulting units of two other notable partners, believes he has perfected the AWS partner business model with Ackolyte.

“We are launching as a fully-dedicated AWS Advanced Tier partner thanks to PTG,” says Mr. Adams, “and plan to achieve Premier status early in 2023. We are looking to be that perfect consulting partner that is top-notch and very narrowly focused on AWS delivery based in the United States.”

AWS has nearly a thousand consulting partners, yet less than five percent of them have achieved the top status designation with the cloud giant, and only a handful of those are fully dedicated to AWS using exclusively US-based talent.

Ackolyte runs on a regionalized model, putting together US-based teams for nearby clients. “Time zones are important,” says Adams, “and our clients want to collaborate with our expert AWS consultants in real time during their business hours.”

Adams believes Ackolyte will be a destination for top cloud talent. As other consulting firms are focused on a return to the office, Ackolyte embraces a remote-first model that gives its employees the benefits of remote work but also enables them to collaborate in-person with their regional team and clients.

Tom Taft, Co-Founder and Advisor notes,”Ackolyte is bringing together a stable of top-notch talent and has a business model that is primed to disrupt the AWS ecosystem. This regional, US-based business model will positively impact the speed and quality of our engagements.”

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