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Only 50% of Employees Feel Appreciated, Revealing Culture Opportunity


Reward Gateway | Edenred, a global leader in employee engagement and HR technology, released its report An EVP that drives engagement: The power of benefits, recognition and appreciation exploring how organizations can transform engagement through benefits, recognition, and appreciation.

The survey found that while it’s no secret employee needs are complex and vary from person to person, it’s critical for employers to nurture engagement and foster an environment of recognition and wellbeing. With only half (49%) of employees feeling regularly appreciated for being themselves at work, there’s a major opportunity for organizations to create a true culture of appreciation, which ultimately leads to increased employee attraction, engagement, retention, and productivity.

“Cultivating employee engagement is a delicate dance, and with our people as our greatest asset, this requires a collaborative strategy across leadership teams,” said Anthony Knierim, Managing Director, Americas of Reward Gateway | Edenred. “Our recent research shows us the importance of establishing a dynamic benefits program as one means of supporting employees, and how employees want to be recognized and appreciated as they grow in both their professional and personal lives.”

For HR leaders looking to create a culture of appreciation, additional findings from the report found:

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