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OneTen Releases 2022 Impact Report


OneTen, a coalition of leading executives and companies committed to hiring, promoting and advancing one million Black individuals and others without four-year degrees into family-sustaining careers, today released its second annual Impact Report, “Empowering the Future Workforce.” The report articulates how embracing skills-first hiring is crucial to the future of work, the economy and the country by helping organizations harness the power of diversity, attract and retain top talent, cultivate resilience, enhance employee engagement and achieve market advantage.

An estimated four million jobs today can be re-credentialed to remove the requirement for a four-year college degree, unlocking an untapped talent pool of skilled, diverse candidates. Yet, it’s estimated that as many as 50 to 60 percent of all jobs in the United States require one, including 79 percent of jobs paying $60K and above. However, 65 percent of Americans are without a four-year degree, and when it comes to Black talent, the numbers are even higher: 76 percent of Black adults aged 25 and above do not have a four-year degree.

Read the full 2022 OneTen Impact Report.

In response to this challenge, OneTen has been driving a skills-first movement with and for companies that believe in a more equitable and inclusive future workforce. By the end of 2022, OneTen increased membership to 65 companies, championed more than 66,000 OneTen hires and more than 22,000 promotions, and generated OneTen jobs in more than 3,000 cities across the U.S. Additionally in 2022, OneTen:

“The work we’re doing at OneTen has a ripple effect. By aggregating family-sustaining jobs across the largest employers in the country for individuals without a four-year degree, we’re not only helping Black talent and others secure a job, but giving them the opportunity to build wealth,” said Debbie Dyson, CEO of OneTen. “That is the difference that will end the opportunity gap and put the American dream within reach for the millions of people to whom it has historically and systemically been denied.”

Inspired by their work with OneTen, member companies also accelerated efforts in 2022 to create scalable processes to attract, hire, and retain Black talent. Noteworthy highlights include developments from member companies such as Cisco, Deloitte and Delta Air Lines.

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