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meQuilibrium Launches “Workforce Campaigns”


meQuilibrium (meQ), the leading digital resilience platform, today announced “Workforce Campaigns,” a new services-led software offering which enables HR and business leaders to identify and address risks and growth opportunities by leveraging data insights, targeted communications, and upskilling.

With meQ Workforce Campaigns, organizations reduce risk and promote growth to build a more resilient workforce resulting in improved performance, reduced turnover, and better business outcomes. This proactive approach to employee well-being provides HR leaders with the tools to deploy curated campaigns that can effect change by teaching employees essential skills to relieve stress, create work-life balance, protect them from burnout, and manage uncertainty with resilience.

“Building on meQ’s proprietary population analytics which detect workforce breakdowns and risks, our new Workforce Campaigns capabilities allow organizations to deliver a campaign-driven approach to address key risks and opportunities at the center of workforce performance today,” said Jan Bruce, CEO and co-founder, meQ. “This offering gives organizations the curated campaigns they need to improve the well-being and performance of their most valuable asset – employees and their managers.”

Building on the power of meQ’s Workforce Intelligence, and pulling from 1.6 billion data points, Workforce Campaigns provides data on seven actionable areas of potential risk or growth – Burnout, Stress Management, Work-Life Balance, Empathy, Purpose, Managing Uncertainty and Culture of Well-Being. Each actionable area has a pre-built campaign of targeted resources designed to help move that population away from risk by building their awareness, educating them with interactive activities, and introducing them to skills or practices to make positive change. There are also specific campaigns designed to support the unique needs and skills of managers.

Campaigns can be targeted to strategic sub-populations by geographic location, job role, and line of business to remediate identified risks or support growth opportunities. Targeted campaigns deliver mini courses to specific populations and address areas of concern, support employee development, and build sustainable resilience within the organization.

Workforce Campaigns enables organizations to effect change by:

“Our new offering now allows leaders to take targeted actions to address key issues that impact the business,” Bruce explained. “Campaigns can address issues of strategic importance to the business, such as: developing agile organizations that are facing issues with change, helping a workforce lacking in empathy by giving them the tools they need to learn and practice it, or assisting a regional office that is at risk for burnout with the skills to finish each day strong.”

For more information about meQ’s resilience solutions, visit meQuilibrium.

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