Even though this entire year has been scary as hell, it’s finally spooky time! Well, at least we get to choose the scares and the terrors on this day, as opposed to the rest of 2020. Halloween is around the corner and has gotten everybody to look forward to something. Be it Halloween songs, Halloween films, Halloween costumes, or Halloween cupcakes, the zeal for self-made unearthly and eerie activities is at an all-time high. The holiday season’s beginning also marks the beginning of disengagement of the employees at work, as everybody just wants to enjoy this time celebrating and not working.
We can all celebrate Halloween on 31st October, but for the rest of the week, we’ll have to find a way to keep the employees engaged whilst not letting go of the specter spirit.
Pumpkin carving is one of the greatest engagement activities of all time, not just for the employees, but for everyone who loves the customs of this holiday. But there’s a lot more that you can do with your workforce to ensure employee engagement, virtually and in office.
Let us look at some really interesting tasks and activities that HRs can plan ahead to keep the disengagement monsters away from your employees.
Halloween Engagement Activity 1
Swap Souls – This is quite an effective activity not just for engagement, but also for team building bonding, and strengthened workforce collaboration as well as learning and development goals. Here, you will need to have your employees swap their ‘souls’ – here meaning, their day-to-day tasks and functions with other departmental employees. You can use chits to determine who gets who. To spice up this pumpkin latte, you can have them imitate and dress up as the person whose soul they’ve taken and give points to the person who gets into the character best while performing all the tasks up to the standard. It can be a really fun way to get to know each other better as well as learn different functionalities of your organization.
Halloween Engagement Activity 2
Twisted Trick or Treat (TTT) – Given the current circumstances, it probably wouldn’t be a great idea to go regular trick or treating, instead you can have a reformed and revamped version of trick or treat for your employees (remote and office-going) Everybody can stock up E-giftcards from different stores and of different prices. Employees can dress up as one of the characters from a pre-chosen theme. Twist – Everybody designs their own costume at home (to also ensure social distancing and all other safety measures). They can then go trick or treating to other employees of the office and get an E-giftcard as a treat, and as for the trick, they can get creative and prank the people (call from a different number, send them a spooky note, create an uncanny but harmless situation, etc.) who are not that willing to give out treats (has to be harmless humor).
Halloween Engagement Activity 3
Find the Ghouls – Amongst Us has people hooked and also has become really popular these past few months. So what better than a real-life among us aka Find the Ghoul? In this activity, the majority of the employees can be gang-buddies and a few of them will be Ghouls. Only the HR head knows who’s who and everybody has to complete a series of tasks. The ghouls will also have some fake tasks to ensure the gang-buddies don’t get suspicious. But, they will also be able to kill any gang-buddy if they have the opportunity to do so. Either the gang-buddies finish their tasks or the ghouls take over, killing the gang-buddies. It’s a fun game to uplift the energy levels and mood of the employees. The tasks can be simple tasks such as bringing a particular file from the file room, filling a bottle with water and water the plants, responding to 10 emails, or completing 3 admin tasks. They do not need to be too complicated. This activity is bound to gauge high employee engagement.
Halloween Engagement Activity 4
Pumpkin Carving Competition with Horror Movies – As we know, any Halloween party isn’t Halloweenny enough if there’s no pumpkin carving competition. This year conduct a pumpkin carving competition among your employees but to make things a little more interesting, add a horror movie to it. So, what you will have to do is, play any scary Halloween movie and make your employees sit and carve out their pumpkins in front of it. The person who carves out the most wraith looking pumpkin in the least amount of time wins! You will see a surged adrenaline rush among everyone watching the movie.
Halloween Engagement Activity 5
Cooking Contest – It’s never a good idea to waste food. So, what are the employees going to do with the remainder of the pumpkin? Well, they can participate in this cooking contest and churn out a new Halloween recipe that utilizes the pumpkin and make some interesting eatables such as pumpkin punch or go back to basics with items such as pumpkin pies.
Keeping your workforce engaged at this time of the year during such times can be tough, but we’ve got you covered. From relationship-building to collaboration, this is the perfect time to get your employees indulged in your organization and its stakeholders while vibing to spooky songs and grooving to those Halloween lyrics! After all nothing more eerie than ghouly employees slithering away with disinterest and possible murder weapons under their umbrella (all puns intended)
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Tanvi Tirthani
Content Contributor, HRTech Cube
Tanvi Tirthani is a content writer and strategist with a special foray into technology. She has been a keen researcher in the tech domain and is responsible for strategizing the social media scripts to optimise the collateral creation process.