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isolved Begins Its 2023 Customer Roadshow Series


In a year marked with continuing mass turnover (49 percent of full-time employees say they’ll explore their options this year) and ever-increasing compliance challenges, human resource (HR) professionals want more from the human capital management (HCM) system they use, and the experience they get from their HCM vendor. According to Sapient Insights Group’s 25th Annual HR Systems Survey, there is a 10 percent year-over-year decline in average vendor satisfaction scores from respondents. In the same report, isolved secured the highest scores in both user experience and vendor satisfaction across all vendors represented. As part of its award-winning customer experience, isolved begins its Customer Roadshow series today with over 60 stops planned either directly or alongside isolved’s administrative services organization (ASO), insurance broker and professional employer organization (PEO) partners.

What began in 2022 with some 20 stops, isolved’s in-person Customer Roadshows have quickly complemented its top-rated customer success programs and extensive digital options to access peer-to-peer advice, learning curricula, network opportunities, and expert guidance including the isolved People Heroes Community, isolved People Heroes University, and the isolved webinar center and content library.

“The goal of the isolved Customer Roadshow series is simple – to meet People Heroes where they are and make the biggest positive impact for as many as possible at each stop,” said Lina Tonk, Chief Marketing Officer of isolved. “The agenda this year is all new and jam-packed with tangible resources, real-world stories, research findings, and roadmaps for software and service. By the end of each event, customers will know what their ‘next-best step’ is to solve for their top challenges. That’s what it’s about – practical guidance they can really use and fast – and we are thrilled to kick things off in hour hometown of Charlotte, NC.”

At each of the over 60 planned Roadshows, attendees will have direct access to isolved personnel including support staff, customer success managers, account managers, marketing, product and even executive leadership.

“I was so happy that I got to attend the 2022 Roadshow in Greenville, SC,” said Lisa Corrigan, HR Administration Assistant at Mountainview Nursing Home. “I loved the presentations by the isolved team. They made all the topics entertaining and informative. It was awesome meeting up with other isolved customers and trading ideas, perspectives and experiences. I enjoyed the experience so much that I have already signed up for a 2023 Roadshow. My recommendation is that all isolved customers attend one of the Roadshows.”

This year’s agenda includes:

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isolved customers can register for free for any upcoming isolved Customer roadshow here with more cities and dates to be announced soon.

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