A leading smart interviewing technologies provider for recruiters, Harqen.AI, announced the launch of the Harqen Machine Learning Platform, a new solution designed to make the talent acquisition process more productive and predictive for employers looking to recruit and retain top talent.
The revolutionary technology of Harqen.aI takes a new approach to evaluate job applicants, which processes transcribed interview answers of candidate via an extensive linguistic analysis that measures psychological attributes, levels of passion, and word clusters that are explicit to the type of job. Blended with a resume analysis, Machine Learning Platform of Harqen.AI has consistently illustrated a 95% or higher accuracy rate in making the same recruitment decision as human recruiters.
Backed by extensive research in the field of linguistic science, the first-of-its-kind solution of Harqen.AI presents a stark alternative within the present market of Artificial Intelligence tools that are designed to analyze video interviews, namely through the utilization of gamification, self-assessed personality tests, or controversial facial-scanning algorithms. Interestingly, Harqen.AI only analyzes the linguistic content that has been transcribed from recorded interviews, never factoring in appearance, facial expressions, or often unreliable self-reported personality attributes.
Chief Technology Officer of Harqen, Mark Unak, said that “Harqen’s hiring AI solution provides both transactional and generative value to our customers. The transactional value includes the ability of the solution to provide a recommendation on the candidate’s recruitment, whereas the generative value encapsulates the technology’s ability to give other insights into the recruiting campaigns, which would incorporate the effectiveness of the questions asked to the candidates and the psychological traits of the cohort of candidates that were accepted or declined.”
Once interviews of the candidate are processed, the analysis of Harqen.AI produces an overall recommendation score to recruiters, along with individual breakdowns of other key measurements, involving a psychological trait analysis that is based on the Big Five Personality traits also known as the OCEAN model, which involves openness to experience, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism. Employers then have the opportunity to calibrate their candidate acceptance threshold within the platform, giving hiring team’s broad control over their recruitment outcomes. Ultimately, the Harqen Machine Learning Platform permits employers to process more job candidates with lesser assets and to streamline their recruitment practices.
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Chandrima Samanta
Content-Editor at HrTech Cube
Chandrima is a Content management executive with a flair for creating high quality content irrespective of genre. She believes in crafting stories irrespective of genre and bringing them to a creative form. Prior to working for MartechCube she was a Business Analyst with Capgemini.