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HRTechCube Interviews Benify on Employee Engagement & Experience


Scott Van Dort from Benify discusses the importance of personalization for enhanced organizational network analysis as well as better employee experience.

1. What is the role of personalized communication in amplifying employee engagement?
First and foremost, personalization and relevancy are both crucial for filtering through communication noise. Through personalization, organizations have better control of what employees see and what is shown to them; employers can use filters to see information based on employee preferences and then adapt their messaging to make information relevant. Communication is the glue that binds organizations together, connecting departments and teams and ensuring every employee is up to date, on the same page, and aware of company happenings.

2. What aspects should organizations consider before choosing a channel of communication for their workforce?

As an employer, it’s essential to gauge the needs and wants of your employees.

Ask yourself, what communication channels does each generation prefer to use? How do employees like to receive communication? What topics are they most interested in receiving information about? What information do employees feel is currently lacking? Are there sections of your workforce that are currently being excluded from your communications? Knowing these things beforehand will help you implement an effective communication strategy that is fit for purpose.

3. How significant is it to have an employee app in place, to update your employees, in the present day?
It’s estimated that 80% of workers globally are deskless. Furthermore, a staggering 42.5% of the global workforce are expected to be mobile by this year. Therefore, being able to reach your employees anytime, anywhere, is essential. One of the most effective ways to ensure your communications reach your deskless workforce is using an employee mobile app. In fact, unless you’re using an employee app, the largest portion of your workforce could be missing out on important company updates. Benify’s survey of 5,000 employees shows that three channels employers use less than employees would like are chat tools, SMS/text messages, and push notifications in mobile apps.

4. What constraints do mobile devices impose for accessing information?
When it comes to using mobile devices, naturally, the screen interface is smaller, which can be seen as an issue. Additionally, whenever messages contain large attachments that require downloading, accessing and viewing these on a mobile device might not provide the best experience for the reader. However, a recent study shows that 94% of Americans aged 18-49 now read news on their mobile devices. Therefore, it is vital that information is presented in a way that is easily digestible. With the overload of information, we all experience every day, any mobile “constraints” can instead be a reminder to think of the reader, and to make sure information is personalized, relevant and to the point, and not lost in shuffle. Benify’s platform has an integrated communication engine, which gives users the option to view messages on their preferred device, including inside the platform, via e-mail or via push notice.

5. What are the top five communication tips to bear in mind during a crisis?
1. Assemble a crisis team to oversee all communications
2. Use multiple channels to reach all your employees, anytime, anywhere
3. Communicate regularly to keep everyone updated
4. Personalize it with video-messages
5. Don’t forget to evaluate the results of your communications

6. How can vital information be conveyed via targeted internal communication?
Targeted communication allows the sender to adapt the content of the message and send variations of the message to specific target groups. With the help of different filters, e-mails, push notifications, or messages posted inside a benefits platform can be sent to employees in different teams, departments, or employees who are eligible for or enrolled in a specific employee benefit. With targeted communication, employers can send the right message through the right channel to the right people and reach them whenever and wherever they are.

7. How can cloud-platforms adapt better to the functioning of an organization as compared to a one-size-fits-all solution?
Cloud-based employee platforms have become an increasingly popular solution for organizations to communicate with their workforce. A “one-size-fits-all” approach for communication no longer cuts it.

With a cloud-based employee platform, information can be filtered to show only the information that is relevant to each individual. This reflects digital developments in general, where, again, we have become accustomed to tailor-made recommendations and personalized communication.

8. How can a communications hub affect employee productivity?
A communications hub is a powerful way to centralize information and make information readily available and easily accessible. A communications hub gives employers the chance to create engagement through greater transparency and share important information and updates. When employees are informed and have a clear understanding of their benefits and total reward and other offerings available to them, they are more likely to feel valued and appreciated and, in turn, more motivated and engaged. Moreover, research findings from leadership expert Torben Rick show that engaged employees increase productivity by 51%, absenteeism is reduced by an average of 4 days, and profitability and shareholder value are boosted by 19% and 9%, respectively.


Scott van Dort Scott van Dort is an HR & Employee Benefits content specialist at the HR Tech firm, Benify. Scott has been part of the in-house creative team at Benify for just over two years and is responsible for all English language production across all markets. His thought leadership pieces have been featured in The Times, The Telegraph, and various HR resource hubs often with a strong emphasis on employee wellbeing, HR tech, employee engagement and personalized communications.

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