HR Collaborative Brings Innovative HR Talent Solution

As the need for flexibility increases for businesses and workers, HR Collaborative is expanding its interim HR network to Michigan's east side.

HR Talent Solution

The pandemic has changed how we work. In response, Michigan-based firm, HR Collaborative, has changed how HR works.

Through HR Collaborative’s interim talent services, employers can integrate HR experts into their team when, where, and for as long as they need them.

More than 60 organizations in West Michigan have already tapped into this flex network to augment their people operations, fill sudden personnel gaps, or kick off their Human Resources function.

And now, HR Collaborative is expanding its services to Metro Detroit.

Resilience Through Flexibility
This past year, many HR teams have been overwhelmed trying to keep up with pivots and mandates. And many HR professionals have struggled to maintain 9-5, M-F schedules as the pandemic reshaped demands at home.

HR Collaborative’s flex talent offers the best of both worlds.

By leveraging resources that seamlessly move on and off their team, HR leaders can keep pace with their organization’s needs. And by having more control over where and when they work, HR professionals can better balance their work and life.

A Partnership, Not a Platform
Unlike gig platforms, HR Collaborative works with both employers and professionals to find the right fit. The matchmaking process is so effective, more than 30% of clients hire their flexible HR professional permanently.

For HR professionals, joining HR Collaborative’s talent network offers both flexibility and extensive support. They receive assignment pay weekly, have access to top-tier HR tools, and are part of a community of experts.

Coming to Metro Detroit
HR Collaborative has already begun expanding its services to the east side of the state. Last year, they provided more than 2,500 hours of flex HR to organizations in the region.

Founder, Beth Kelly, is excited about growing HR Collaborative’s flex talent network.

“I’m so grateful we’re able to offer this opportunity to Metro Detroit. COVID has placed incredible pressure on local businesses and the local HR professional community, especially working parents. Our talent network offers a sustainable solution for both when they need it most,” said Kelly.

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