Greenhouse OPEN 2019 Conference in New York City Provides Insights into Transforming Hiring

Record number of attendees learn about Talent Making, the future of DE&I and the importance of the meaningful benefits

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Greenhouse, the fastest-growing talent acquisition software company, concluded its OPEN 2019 conference with more than 1,300 attendees, including business leaders and hiring professionals. During the two-day event, attendees learned about essential tools to source and onboard talent to support an organization’s growth and success. Hrtech

During OPEN 2019, some of the most notable leaders and Talent Makers at high growth and Fortune 500 companies shared insights into supporting a healthy corporate culture, meaningful DE&I programs and structured hiring practices.

“OPEN 2019 brought Talent Makers from different industries and company sizes together,” said Daniel Chait, CEO of Greenhouse. “Following the resounding positive response to the Talent Makers theme and concept, we look forward to creating more learning opportunities throughout the year to develop and support talent champions within organizations.”

Daniel’s top four learnings from OPEN 2019 include:

  • Hiring is a Leadership Priority: Business leaders can no longer delegate the task of finding great talent to recruiters. In today’s competitive talent market, leaders must encourage everyone across the business to partner with recruiters to find, engage and hire the right talent. At any stage of growth, the secret to hiring is a mixture of continuity, transparency and thoughtfulness. And whether from the perspective of a leader, magnate or partner, one thing is certain: great hiring builds great companies.
  • Companies Need to Rethink their Approach to Hiring for Diversity: Companies need to approach a meaningful DE&I program as a journey, not a destination. It’s important to push yourself and your organization beyond the easy definitions of what DE&I is and approach a truly inclusive culture more thoughtfully. The first step is in defining what diversity, equity and inclusion mean for your organization. Take action and measure your progress against those definitions.
  • Meaningful Employee Benefits Foster a Healthy Culture: The most important benefit you can demonstrate to potential employees is your willingness to get to know them as individuals, each with their own unique needs and skillsets. Show them that you care about your team, and you’ll have people banging down your doors to be hired—regardless of their age group. While “hot benefits of the moment” like recreational opportunities or cold beer in the office may be tempting and in keeping with fickle trends, most candidates and employees value long-standing traditional benefits: stability, career advancement opportunities, healthcare and a competitive compensation package. Consider benefits like mentoring, affordable healthcare, student debt repayment and career advancement.
  • Always Be Talent Making: In the words of one of our speakers, Pattie Money, Chief People Officer at Twilio SendGrid, “Constantly attracting and retaining great talent is a team sport. The talent leader can drive the right programs but they can’t ‘own’ the outcomes. They need to be shared with leadership at all levels collectively and then by each manager. It’s together that we create great cultures and great teams, which is what leads to great organizational performance.”

Visit the Greenhouse website over the coming weeks as more information, insights and recaps of Greenhouse OPEN 2019 sessions are shared. Stay tuned for an upcoming announcement on OPEN 2020.


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