Get.It Supports COVID-19 Recruitment Advertising Grant Program

Industry-Wide Initiative Continues to Grow, Issuing Grants to Organizations Hiring in Response to Pandemic

talent acquisition

As organizations hire workers to combat the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Get.It today announced its participation in Appcast’s Recruitment Advertising Grant Program. The initial launch was worth $100,000 and continues to grow with the involvement of industry leaders, including Get.It. As of April 2, 2020, the program had raised $368,000 and awarded 26 grants hrtech news.

The program is open to organizations in the U.S. and Canada that are hiring workers to treat patients and slow the spread of COVID-19. Grants are being awarded to organizations including healthcare systems, senior living communities, facilities management companies, pharmaceutical research and development firms and other health services companies talent acquisition.

“Get.It is prepared to participate in this initiative and lend its network of 600+ occupational job sites to this cause. Our sites support many of the occupations that are in high demand as a result of the pandemic. We are truly proud to be part of this grant program to help fill the most critical job needs as quickly as possible” said Get.It CEO, Jacob Peebles

Chris Forman, CEO of Appcast, shared, “Given the nature of the pandemic, the situation is changing rapidly, as are the hiring needs of front-line organizations. Appcast is eager to contribute how and where we can and grateful to our job site partners for mobilizing around this cause.”