Engage2Excel Recruitment Solutions Named a Major Contender in RPO Services

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Engage2Excel, Inc., a leading provider of recruitment, employee engagement and recognition services, is positioned as a Major Contender in Recruitment Process Outsourcing Services in the 2020 Everest Group report.

Everest Group PEAK Matrix report is a trusted and fact-based analysis of service provider capabilities. To arrive at the 2020 results, the firm assessed 25 RPO providers by evaluating seven dimensions – market adoption, portfolio mix, value delivered, scope of services offered, innovation & investments, delivery footprint, and vision & strategy hrtech news.

“Through the growth in our valued client partnerships, Engage2Excel Recruitment Solutions continues to increase its strong presence as a strategic RPO provider,” said Darren Findley, president of Engage2Excel Recruitment Solutions. “The team is honored to be included in the report for the second year in a row. It confirms our focus to deliver a first-class experience and commitment to help our clients achieve their talent acquisition goals today and adapt to whatever comes next.”

The report highlights proactive client relationship management, superior candidate experience differentiators and the ability to bundle engagement surveys and recognition programs, along with core recruitment offerings, as key factors in Engage2Excel Recruitment Solutions’ major contender position.

“Engage2Excel’s significant differentiator is that we are the only strategic partner that can help organizations find and keep their talent,” said Phil Stewart, chief executive officer for the Engage2Excel group of companies. “Our recently launched Career Experience Suite offers solutions that span the entire talent lifecycle, providing clients with tools that aid them in hiring, onboarding, recognizing, engaging and developing employees.