Dexian adds Mexico Operations to Global Platform

Taps vibrant talent pool to expand nearshore IT solutions capabilities


Dexian, a leading provider of staffing, IT, and workforce solutions, announced that it has launched operations in Mexico and added Dexian Mexico to its global platform of services and support. The move allows the company access to the country’s vibrant talent pool to expand its nearshore IT solutions capabilities for its clients.

“Mexico has a large, underutilized talent pool,” said Maruf Ahmed, Dexian CEO. “Adding operations here allows us to bring jobs to communities and enhance our capabilities to create nearshore IT solutions for our U.S. and international clients.”

Ahmed went on to explain that as Dexian has grown internationally, it has developed an expansive onshore and offshore network of skilled IT professionals that delivers world-class business solutions and provides its clients with access to the world’s finest talent.

However, he says clients today are looking for solutions that offer the best of both the offshore and onshore worlds. “We are in a new world of business. Budgets are tighter, timelines are more compressed, there is tremendous competition for talent, and companies are looking for customized, hybrid solutions to deliver optimized results,” said Ahmed. “Nearshore solutions allow us to do that and more.”

Antonio Freitas, Head of Dexian Brazil, spent more than five years leading IT operations for a global tech company in Mexico. He is overseeing the development of the Dexian Mexico operations and explained that Dexian has developed a proven methodology for developing international operations, customized IT solutions, and talent acquisition and management.

“By capitalizing on our local and regional knowledge and expertise, we are able to navigate the cultural, societal, and legal challenges involved with setting up international operations and delivering innovative solutions for our clients,” he clarified.

Freitas said the initial focus of Dexian Mexico will be on developing nearshore IT solutions for U.S. clients, but when the operation matures, he says, “companies in Mexico and throughout Central and Latin America will be able to capitalize on Dexian’s global platform of full-scope capabilities.”

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