ControlUp Named a Strong Performer in End-User Experience Management

Independent Research Firm recognized ControlUp among the top providers of the EUEM market

Employee survey

ControlUp, the industry leader in Digital Employee Experience (DEX) management, today announced it has been recognized as a Strong Performer by Forrester Research in The Forrester Wave™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022 report. ControlUp believes this report is a validation of the DEX market and how leading end-user experience management (EUEM) providers–like ControlUp–are setting the foundation for a strong DEX. The Forrester Wave™ identified ControlUp as one of nine of the most significant providers of the End-User Experience Management category.

Each vendor was scored against a 30-criterion evaluation and where they stand in relation to each other. In the evaluation, ControlUp received the highest score possible in the virtualized endpoints, synthetic testing, execution roadmap, performance, and the number of customers evaluation criteria.

According to Forrester’s evaluation, “ControlUp’s EUEM product comprises three core capabilities: VDI monitoring, synthetic testing, and physical device monitoring. While ControlUp is well known for its VDI monitoring, the 2020 acquisition of Avacee gave the company full visibility into physical hardware.” Furthermore, the report says, “ControlUp has executed well, releasing multiple net-new EUEM-focused features (e.g., employee feedback and scoring), securing $100 million in outside investment, and expanding its engineering and sales force headcount substantially. It accomplished this while maintaining market-leading year-over-year revenue growth and client retention.” The Forrester report also stated that “the company’s superior roadmap focuses on employee-centric scoring, advanced SaaS monitoring, and continued enhancements for new desktop-as-a-service models, such as Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365.”

“We believe being named a strong performer in Forrester’s End-User Experience Management report is a testament to the value we deliver to thousands of end-user computing professionals around the globe and the accelerated adoption of our Physical Endpoint solutions, including Edge DX, the fastest growing product in ControlUp’s portfolio of DEX solutions,” said Yoni Avital, CPO, and Co-founder, ControlUp. “We want to thank Forrester and all the customers who participated in this analysis.”

Avital went on to say, “ControlUp’s DEX management platform allows IT teams to collect data in real-time for on-the-fly troubleshooting to ensure continuous productivity. Our customers can be up and running in a matter of minutes, which provides the fastest time to value, and allows them to proactively monitor performance, availability, as well as the productivity of various devices, networks, SaaS apps, and unified communications.”

To download “The Forrester Wave™: End-User Experience Management, Q3 2022 report, click here. Available to Forrester subscribers or for purchase.

Additional Resources:

  • Download ControlUp’s DEX Management eBook
  • Download “The Top Reasons Customers Choose Edge DX” eBook
  • Bookmark ControlUp’s Blog, Script Library, and Research Reports
  • Download a free trial and be up and running in ten minutes

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