Buck webinar offers thoughts on managing pension risk in an era of uncertainty

employee wellness

Global economic disruption as a result of the coronavirus has led to and will continue to produce market volatility. In an effort to foster discussion on best economic practices during the COVID-19 pandemic, Buck, an integrated HR and benefits consulting, technology, and administration services firm, will host a webinar, Perspectives on a volatile market and the impact of COVID-19: Managing pension risk in an era of uncertainty, on Wednesday, March 25 at 1 p.m. ET hrtech news.

To discuss the appropriate strategies for managing pension fund status risk in a dramatically shifting market, PIMCO Executive Vice President and Market Strategist Tony Crescenzi will join Mike MeccaTom Sablak, and Sarvesh Sol from Buck’s Wealth practice on the panel employee wellness. Aiming to provide a macroeconomic outlook for 2020 and beyond, the webinar will explore:

  • Portfolio positioning based on the 2020 economic outlook
  • Short and long-term implications for defined benefit plans
  • Market volatility and pension de-risking strategies

You can register for the webinar here.

This webinar is the second from Buck to look at the economic and workforce impact of COVID-19. Buck’s first webinar in response to the virus, Working through COVID-19: Effective communication strategies to keep your workforce engaged, focused on ways to keep employees informed and engaged as companies rapidly implement new workplace contingency plans and is available for replay.