Bridging AI Skills Gap Requires Proactive Workforce Planning: Info-Tech

In a new research blueprint, Info-Tech Research Group explains the critical need for organizations to align their IT workforce with ongoing AI advancements. The firm also offers practical insights to help IT leaders proactively address skill gaps and seamlessly integrate AI technologies. This strategic approach empowers organizations to stay competitive in the dynamic digital landscape while fostering talent development and strategic alignment in the age of Exponential IT.


The rapid evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the IT landscape, creating an urgent need for organizations to recalibrate their workforce. As AI technology advances, global research and advisory firm, Info-Tech Research Group, advises that IT leaders must bridge the growing skills gap to ensure effective AI integration. The firm has published its latest blueprint (Re)Calibrate Your IT Workforce for AI, a research-backed guide that provides actionable strategies and tools for IT leaders to proactively develop the necessary AI competencies within their teams for organizational success in an increasingly AI-driven world.

“AI integration is not just about adopting cutting-edge technologies; it’s about strategically aligning the workforce with technological advancements,” says Heather Leier-Murray, research director at Info-Tech Research Group. “By using AI strategies and use cases to identify the competencies required for a smooth transition to an AI-enhanced workforce, organizations can proactively address any gaps through upskilling or reskilling existing employees or by strategically hiring new talent.”

Info-Tech’s research findings in (Re)Calibrate Your IT Workforce for AI highlight the significant challenges organizations face in adapting IT skills to support the seamless integration of AI technology. Despite these obstacles, the firm emphasizes the importance of proactive planning to align talent with strategic business objectives and technological advancements. By adopting this proactive approach, organizations can effectively address AI competency gaps through upskilling, reskilling, or strategic hiring, ensuring they remain competitive in today’s exponentially evolving digital landscape.

The firm also explains that technical skills aren’t the only skills needed to develop an AI skill set. Info-Tech advises that it is also essential for employees to develop soft skills that enable competencies, such as critical thinking and problem-solving.

In its latest blueprint, Info-Tech details a comprehensive methodology to help IT leaders identify the essential skills required for supporting AI implementation effectively and develop a plan to build those capabilities. The recommended approach is outlined below, with more detail found in the resource:

  • Define AI competency need: Defining AI competencies is a critical step in understanding workforce needs and aligning with business goals. Competencies encompass the collection of knowledge, skills, and attributes required to perform a job well.
  • Assess the AI skill gap: Identifying proficiency gaps reveals whether employees possess the skills necessary for their roles. This involves gathering insights from subject matter experts, business leaders, and other IT leaders across the organization to evaluate current skill levels and prioritize gaps based on their size and organizational importance.
  • Address the AI skills gap: Developing a plan to mitigate the AI skills gap is essential. Organizations can explore various options such as internal or external training courses, on-the-job training, reskilling, upskilling, coaching, and mentoring. Additionally, hiring new talent, outsourcing skills, or contracting flexible or temporary skills are also viable strategies.

Info-Tech provides IT leaders with a clear roadmap to navigate the complexities of AI workforce planning. By exploring diverse strategies such as blended learning, reskilling, and strategic hiring, the firm advises that organizations are prepared to build a resilient and capable workforce ready to meet the demands of AI integration. With these actionable insights, IT leaders can ensure their teams are equipped to drive innovation and maintain a competitive advantage.

For exclusive and timely commentary on the topic from Heather Leier-Murray, an expert in people & leadership, and access to the complete (Re)Calibrate Your IT Workforce for AI blueprint, please contact

Info-Tech LIVE 2024

Registration is now open for Info-Tech Research Group’s annual IT conference, Info-Tech LIVE 2024, taking place September 17 to 19, 2024, at the iconic Bellagio in Las Vegas. This premier event offers journalists, podcasters, and media influencers access to exclusive content, the latest IT research and trends, and the opportunity to interview industry experts, analysts, and speakers. To apply for media passes to attend the event or gain access to research and expert insights on trending topics, please contact

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