Syndio Launches New Small Group Analysis Feature on Pay Equity Platform

Feature Allows Companies of All Sizes to Resolve Pay Disparities for Small Groups of Employees Performing Similar Work

payroll features and benefits

Syndio, a leading HR analytics platform with a mission to eradicate pay disparities, announced today that the Company has launched a new small group analysis feature as part of its best-in-class pay equity technology platform, PayEQ. The feature allows companies to analyze small groups of employees Hrtech that perform similar work and resolve potential pay gaps identified that are not explainable by job-related criteria. PayEQ empowers organizations to analyze and resolve pay disparities due to gender, race or any other categorization and monitors compliance over time benefits of payroll services.

“Small group analysis is not a capability just for small companies,” said Maria Colacurcio, CEO, Syndio. “Organizations of all sizes have groups of employees doing substantially similar work that are small – too small for multivariate regression – and require the application of controls, which you cannot perform with basic pay equity technology.”

The addition of this feature rounds out Syndio’s PayEQ solution and expands the software’s already extensive capabilities for groups with fewer than 10 people, comprised of both men and women. This approach is also recommended by the National Women’s Law Center through Syndio’s recently released pay equity standards and tools.

“Syndio’s PayEQ software now leverages powerful and precisely calibrated analytic results from a company’s entire dataset and applies that information to small groups that defy precision,” added Zev Eigen, Founder and Chief Data Scientist, Syndio. “It is a great way to reduce bias or inefficiency that invariably come from trying to ‘eyeball’ differences in small groups. It is a real game-changer for companies of all sizes that need to get pay equity right for all employees.”


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