Site icon HrTech Cube Announces Independent Research Findings, the world’s only smart chat platform powered by deep-learning AI,, today announced the findings of independent research that utilised its technology, revealing that AI Interview software can definitively improve recruitment diversity for technology-based roles.

The scientific study, led by Professor Andreas Leibbrandt at Monash University, ARC Future Fellow and Co-Founder of the Science of Diversity & Inclusion Initiative (, found that using AI tools in recruitment achieved a 36% increase in the amount of women applying for a web developer role, relative to recruitment without AI.

Global brands trust to accelerate and enhance their recruitment and promotion processes. A conversational, Natural Language Processing (NLP) based chat AI interviews, assesses and screens for the best talent at scale via an easy to use messaging platform.

According to the findings, the use of AI for screening and assessment also led to:

Supplemental survey evidence suggests the improved gender diversity was driven by females’ belief that there would be less bias when assessed by AI versus human reviewers.

About the study:

The study involved two field experiments. The first looked at whether informing candidates that their chat interview responses would be evaluated by artificial intelligence, versus human reviewers, would attract or deter them from completing the smart chat interview. The second examined the impact of evaluators knowing the gender and AI score of the candidate ahead of providing an evaluation.

Professor Andreas Leibbrandt acknowledged the help that gave to this research. “We chose to collaborate with because they have already demonstrated their intention to positively impact gender diversity across a wide range of industries with the use of chat-based interviewing and assessment.”

Doctors Mallory Avery and Joseph Vecci worked with Professor Leibbrandt to complete the Monash University study.

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