MATRIX Offers Up End-to-End Remote Workforce Enablement

MATRIX Offers Up End-to-End Remote Workforce Enablement Client business continuity a vital concern during COVID-19 shutdown

end to end hr solutions

Tech departments needing to continue hiring and operating while their workers are working remotely face a new challenge — having these workers completely equipped to carry on effectively while working from home. Activities affected include the complete lifecycle of worker engagement from interviewing, hiring and onboarding to training, hardware and software prep, and ongoing productivity hrtech news.

For MATRIX, this new “remote” normal situation, is actually an old normal.

“While remote work is not new, managing a new virtual workforce end-to-end is a giant leap forward,” said Gary Wood, MATRIX CEO. “Over the last decade, we have successfully transferred nearly all of our functions and processes to the virtual world, without sacrificing quality. Along the way, we have learned what works and what doesn’t. And we are ready to share these learnings with our customers to help their transition be as seamless as possible,” he said.

MATRIX leaders, account executives, recruiters and coaches rely on the latest online technologies and cloud-based tools such as Zoom and Workday to assist learnings.

Specifically, MATRIX will be offering clients various remote services, either a la carte or end-to-end to help them strike the right balance between hiring and business continuity.

  • Remote Recruiting: Performed anywhere, anytime, at scale
  • Video Interviewing: Help with setup and best practices to make a great impression
  • Remote Onboarding: Virtual processes to help consultants ease their transition to a new work environment
  • Remote Training: Tried and true ramp-up to be productive quickly
  • Remote Technology: Acquisition and preparation of best-of-breed remote tech stack
  • Remote Agile Coaching & Workforce Acceleration: Establishing borderless Agile teams that thrive without having to meet face to face

MATRIX has placed close to 50,000 individuals over 37 years in business across the U.S. We remotely onboard more than 2,500 consultants per year.