Vinay Johar, CEO at Rchilli talks about the significance of advanced technologies such as Semantic search and match for a better talent acquisition process.
1. Tell us about your role in RChilli?
I am the CEO of RChilli. My role is more into strategic planning and product direction, which direction or geographies we should move in. I also play a strategic role in capturing the market, building up teams and relationships with clients by understanding their needs. The aim is to design our product in such a way that they can pick our product and easily start using it.
2. Can you tell us about your journey into this market?
We started RChilli almost ten years back. The real need was to find out some AI plugins that we can integrate and sell in the market. So, one of the modules that we created was ‘Resume Parser.’ It was a luxurious product available at a whooping price of $1000, which was not affordable by any small business or any start-up company. We saw the opportunity and developed an affordable, reliable, and flexible resume parser. Today with a journey of 10 years, we have 1600+ customers in 33 countries, and we were the first to start this cloud based pricing. We are happy that we are breaking the monopoly of all big players.
3. How do you think technology is changing the HR Sector?
HR is an interesting platform in which humans connect with humans. Handling 100 or 1000+ employees is a complex task to do—this is where technology comes into the picture. In RChilli, we are trying to understand how resumes are written to study candidates’ behavior through their resumes. Technology is more friendly to use now. HR professionals, HR generalists, recruiters, and everyone use technology because it has grown a lot and changed behavior too. With the help of technologies and AI engines like resume parsers, recruiters can easily find the perfect fit for the organization. Pre-screening of candidates becomes easy so that recruiters can work on their other important tasks.
4. How do you think digitization is empowering the recruiting processes?
Indeed yes, it is empowering the recruiting process. I remember a few months back I was interviewing one senior guy. After completing my interview with him, I said, ‘I don’t know why your face looks familiar to me.’ He said, “ Vinay, you interviewed me almost eight years back.” I searched for him in my old ATS. His whole background credentials were on my screen with just a few clicks. This is the power of digitization. Digitization in recruitment empowers you to make better decision matrix. Better semantic AI is available to you because now we can build a whole predictable behavior of an organization rather than a candidate or an individual. It has shortened the recruitment cycle.
5. What according to you is the significance of Job Parsing in present times?
Sometimes people write 2-3 or a maximum of 5 liner job profiles, which is difficult to understand. In this case, we need someone to define it—this is where we come into the picture. Let us say if I am looking for a project manager in banking with five years of experience. Recruiters have to write whole responsibilities and roles an applicant must have. Imagine what if the recruiters only have to edit the things according to the requirement? This is what Job Parsing is doing. Job parsing is not only extracting data from a string. It structures the whole system, which defines what skill is required by the profile, what qualification is required, which certification is required, etc. These differentiating factors have enormous power while selecting the candidates; that’s why Job Parsing is a significant process. Here in RChilli, I am happy to share that our approx 9% of revenue comes from our Job Parser.
6. How does Semantic Search and Match help in finding the right fit candidate?
Semantic search and match is an intelligent system. Search & Match Engine automatically provides similar matches for Resume/CV and JD/Vacancies.
It easily understands resumes, knows more than others by using a semantic search to carve out relevant key skills required in a candidate. If I take an example like some recruiters are looking for a scrum master. Recruiters will start searching for the applicant with that specific keyword. If that keyword is available in the resume, the system will provide the relevant applicants’ list. But this for the old generation recruiters. The new generation is very innovative. Applicants have different definitions for their own job roles. The job profiles have changed a lot in the past few years. Now technology is smart to understand a different definition for each job profile. Semantic can match eight different domains. It can match tools, skills, locations, job titles, education, etc. So, now instead of one parameter matching, you can match eight parameters. RChilli further added a behavioral matching in this. So, this matching is going to change the whole paradigm.
7. Why is it necessary to enrich your user data?
This is the era of Gen Z, who hates writing lengthy docs. This generation has a 3-7 second attention span due to the advanced technology. To capture their attention, one should provide an excellent user experience. For example, if the users are providing minimum information, and the system can generate the rest of the information like a profile picture, LinkedIn profile, etc, it gives them confidence about the system. The last and the most important one is your old data set. If your system is still filled with old data sets, you can update it. This is where enrich comes into the picture. This is what we are doing. We are connecting different data providers to build a workforce for you and able to provide data.
8. Can you explain to us in detail about Taxonomy 3.0?
We started building Taxonomy almost seven years back. Taxonomy 3.0 is a new version of RChilli’s skills/job title taxonomy. It is designed to improve the resume/job searching capability of the users. People are still using open outsourcing tools like spark, solr or elasticsearch. But they have to train their software. And this is where taxonomy plays the role. It is a comprehensive library of skills and job profiles that is spread across dozens of industries and domains with unlimited individual concepts. Our taxonomy has enhanced their results by almost 90%.
9. How do you prepare for an AI-centric World?
I was writing a graph database internally. While preparing it, I touched almost seventeen different graphics like social information, behaviour data set, job title, company name, domains etc. Now to combine all these seventeen different graphs, we require AI power. We can’t just start using them. We have to analyze our external and internal data sets. That is where the real power of matching and analyzing candidates is done in the right way.
10. What are the major developments you are planning, in recent times?
We are doing major developments in the matching engine. We are the first one who is introducing a behavior matching tool in technology. Organizations are taking the psychometric test, doing an assessment test, and trying to match the candidate’s behavior. But we are building a tool that aggregates all this behavioral data set. I believe you cannot judge any applicant only on their skills. Of course, the major part of the interview is judged on the same. But the rest, 30% of interviews are judged on the communication skills they have, what analytical capabilities they have, etc. In your final round of interviews, everyone decides based on the candidate’s behavior, background, honesty, and ethics. Imagine what will happen if we combine all these core values together? This will help recruiters to pre-screen their candidates even before starting their interview. This will drop interview rates, and recruiters can find the perfect fit. This is what RChilli is delivering to its clients.
11. Can you tell us about your team and how it supports you?
I don’t call them a team, its RChilli family. They are the ones who have built Rchilli. I am a ‘mess creator’ who always comes up with new challenges, and they are the ones who come with the solution. Then we work hard with our mentors and coaches. We have our internal debates on how to achieve targets; either in product or in marketing, in sales, in support, and how we benchmark ourselves with our competitors. In this whole journey, not only the RChilli family supports me, even our clients also help us. So, it is a big team; it is not only the RChilli internal team; it also includes our clients or, better to say partners who help us to shape it and execute it.
12. What movie inspires you the most?
It is a bollywood movie named ‘3 Idiots’. I loved it. In that movie, an individual can learn how technology solves public problems in an amazingly simple way. The movie shows us that they must find the solution, and the solution exists around them only. The only thing is that you must find it and get it done. I believe technology is meant to change the life of people, not to complicate it.
13. We have heard that you have a very joyful work culture, we won’t mind having a look at some of the pictures.
Sure, let us share a few pictures of our last ten-year journey with you. Even in the pandemic, we never missed our social gathering. Initially, we started weekly social gatherings, but now we are doing professional zoom parties. We have started a ‘coffee session’ with our clients too . Undoubtedly, we all are a part of this COVID-19 situation, but still, we are connected. That’s the culture of RChilli.
14. Can you give us a glance of the applications you use on your phone?
Interesting one. There are two prominent apps on my phone, one is Hubspot, and the other one is Gmail. I also have maps. They help me the most when I travel. I also make the most of the other travel applications like Uber, hotel application, etc. There is a very good app which I loved the most by SAP called ‘Trip it.’ It is an awesome planner. Apart from these, I used a lot of business apps like slack, client communication, and internal communication.
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Vinay Johar CEO, RChilli
Vinay Johar is the CEO at Rchilli, which is the most trusted partner for Parsing Jobs/Resumes, Matching and Data Enrichment for the global recruitment industry.