ExpertusONE Unveils Zero-Compromise Enterprise Learning Platform


ExpertusONE, a global leader in unified learning management technology, announced the launch of an overhauled version of its award-winning learning management platform. The ExpertusONE platform, rebuilt from the ground up, now combines decades of industry expertise with advanced AI technology, offering a comprehensive and seamless solution for heads of enterprise learning, learning administrators, and partner and customer enablement directors.

The drive behind the rebuild is to address the increasing complexity of the enterprise learning landscape. Traditionally, organizations have had to integrate multiple solutions to meet their diverse learning needs. ExpertusONE now provides a unified platform that supports AI across multiple functions, with seamless data integration, mobile-first design, and sophisticated administrative functionalities.

“This reinvention of ExpertusONE captures everything that we have learned from our enterprise customers over the last two decades,” said Ramesh Ramani, CEO of ExpertusONE. “We’ve poured all of that knowledge and experience into creating a platform that meets the needs of our customers head-on, capitalizing on the exciting developments in AI and other technological advances. The future of learning is all about accessibility, career mobility, and the alignment of skill development with overall business objectives. We are beyond excited to offer our customers a future-ready platform that simplifies complexity and drives measurable outcomes.”

The new, modernized technical foundation offers streamlined performance and flexibility, supporting the seamless rollout of new features. As an AI-native solution, it optimizes support for AI today and tomorrow, with advanced data handling capabilities that ensure smooth movement of enterprise data, enhancing integrations and breaking down organizational silos. Enhanced security measures also provide more responsive protection for data.

For users, the platform offers a responsive learner interface, including an adaptive content player, and AI-driven recommendations tailored to individual needs. Learners can discover a personalized learning experience with integrations into popular tools like Slack and Salesforce. Managers benefit from one-click access to team learning, streamlined recommendations, approvals, and verifications. For administrators, the platform provides a responsive UI for mobile access, smart shortcuts for efficiency, and granular control to support complex requirements. The AI analytics offer insights at your fingertips, allowing you to ask questions and get answers quickly and visualize training data automatically. Additionally, the platform supports turning videos from any source into engaging, interactive courses and offers skills management for skills-gap analyses and skills-based training assignments.

A Summary of the Key Features and Benefits of the New ExpertusONE Platform

 AI-Native Architecture: The platform is designed with AI at its core, delivering smart recommendations, personalized learning journeys, and AI-supported analytics to help organizations fully leverage AI capabilities with full support for future AI initiatives, such as AI generated course content (coming soon!).

Enhanced Administrative Experience: The platform’s redesign focuses on the needs of administrators, offering mobile-friendly interfaces, intuitive shortcuts, and granular controls to streamline administrative tasks and increase efficiency.

Seamless Learner Experience: Learners benefit from a responsive interface, adaptive content delivery, and integrations with popular enterprise applications like Slack and Salesforce, ensuring a smooth flow of learning into their daily routines.

Advanced Data Handling and Security: Improved data handling capabilities and robust security measures ensure seamless integrations and protection of organizational data.

 Extended Enterprise Capabilities: The platform supports both internal and external use cases, providing high levels of control and customization for portals and hierarchical access.

Comprehensive Reporting and Analytics: Natural language report requests and advanced BI tool integrations offer immediate insights, helping organizations measure learning outcomes and align them with business objectives.

The renewed ExpertusONE platform represents a significant advancement in enterprise learning, combining cutting-edge technology with extensive industry experience. It delivers a zero-compromises solution that meets the intricate needs of modern organizations, positioning ExpertusONE at the forefront of the learning platform market.

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