Site icon HrTech Cube Announces Best Attendance Tracking Software of 2021, a leading independent review website for small business online tools, products, and services, has announced the best attendance tracking software of 2021. The top-ranking solutions were selected based on three main criteria.

Experts at evaluated platforms with the most essential tools used to track attendance, such as employee scheduling, calendar management and time tracking. All software solutions were required to offer integration capabilities for payroll management, accounting, and other systems. Additional requirements include reporting tools that can provide insight on how attendance impacts behavior, work ethics, or various business functions.

“Attendance tracking software can help increase efficiency and minimize common errors with timekeeping and payroll,” says Christelle Feniza, Communications Manager of “This software guide was developed to narrow the search and provide detailed reviews for the best solutions.”’s research team conducted a 40-hour assessment of over 90 solutions. To access the complete list of best attendance tracking software, please visit

Best Attendance Tracking Software of 2021

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