Deltek Takes Home Silver Brandon Hall Group Award


Deltek, the leading global provider of software and solutions for project-based businesses, announced today that it has won a coveted Brandon Hall Group Silver award for excellence in the New Hire Onboarding Program category. Deltek’s program, called Deltek Launch, is an interactive onboarding experience that enables new employees to quickly understand the company culture and organizational objectives, setting them up for success.

Entries were evaluated by a panel of veteran, independent senior industry experts, Brandon Hall Group analysts and executives based upon these criteria: fit the need, design of the program, functionality, innovation and overall measurable benefits. Deltek’s program, a cross-team effort, is designed to accelerate a new employee’s time to productivity by ensuring they understand the organization, their role, and how they impact organizational success. The online program gives hiring managers and their new hires timelines and tips on how to complete the steps needed to ensure new employees are ready to join Team Deltek, regardless of how they work – in an office, hybrid, or fully remote.

“Excellence Award winners distinguish themselves through their growing understanding that all the functions of HCM are integrated and must work together to move businesses forward,” said Brandon Hall Group Chief Operating Officer Rachel Cooke, leader of the HCM Excellence Awards program. “It is a pleasure to see more organizations collaborating across functions and getting more sophisticated and accomplished at delivering measurable benefit through ground-breaking HCM practices,” she said.

“Our award winners demonstrated the vision, agility, and innovation needed to excel in the unchartered hybrid work environment,” said Brandon Hall Group Chief Executive Officer Mike Cooke. “We added and revised awards categories to ensure that we not only validate best HCM practices but also solicit and recognize next practices that set a high bar for everyone.”

“Each year we focus on improving and innovating the areas that matter most to our employees, and we couldn’t be more proud of our new onboarding program. It has already made an impact and been very well received,” said Ed Hutner, SVP of Human Resources. “Thanks to the Brandon Hall Group for recognizing Deltek and the work that we’ve done to ensure a smooth onboarding for all our new hires.”

Excellence Award winners are scheduled to be honored at Brandon Hall Group’s HCM Excellence Conference, Jan. 31-Feb. 2, 2023, at the Hilton West Palm Beach, Florida. Select winners also will serve as presenters in breakout sessions, sharing their leading practices during the conference.

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