68% of Americans Prefer Hybrid or In-Person Schedule

43% of U.S. Workers Say They are Burnt Out at Their Job


According to the latest Workforce Monitor® survey commissioned by the American Staffing Association and conducted online by The Harris Poll, 68% of Americans prefer a hybrid or in-person work schedule.

As companies around the country debate returning to the office, 39% of Americans said that hybrid—a mix of in-person and remote work—was their ideal work schedule. Nearly 32% preferred a fully remote schedule, while 29% of Americans said their ideal work schedule was a full return to the office.

The survey also found significant differences across generations. While 37% of Baby Boomers (ages 60-78) prefer a fully remote work situation, only a quarter (26%) of Gen Z (ages 18-27) want to fully work from home. Millennials (ages 28-43) and Gen X (ages 44-59) fall in between at 31% and 33%, respectively.

Close to half (46%) of those with children under 18 in their household said they preferred a hybrid schedule, compared to 35% of U.S. adults without.

However, more than half of employees who aren’t fully remote (57%) say they would not be willing to forego a bonus or raise this year or take a pay cut in exchange for being able to work remotely full time.

“The question of whether employees should work fully in person, fully remote, or on a hybrid schedule has been a top issue facing organizations across America since the pandemic triggered a workplace revolution four years ago,” says Richard Wahlquist, chief executive officer at the American Staffing Association. “While some predicted the end of in-person work, the survey found that half of U.S. employees currently work 100% in person. Employees’ attitudes are changing, with 68% of U.S. workers now stating that they prefer a hybrid or in-person schedule.”

The same study also found that 43% of U.S. workers say they are burnt out at their job right now, with nearly half (47%) hesitant to discuss burnout with their boss.

“With more than four in 10 Americans reporting suffering from burnout, employers need to continue to focus on raising employee engagement levels, which includes providing programs to address mental well-being and stress.

“As organizations navigate the future of the workplace, the most successful ones will embrace workplace flexibility and focus on creating strong employee-centric cultures.”

This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll on behalf of ASA Jan. 5–9, 2024, among 2,094 adults ages 18 and older, of whom 1,294 were employed. The sampling precision of Harris online polls is measured by using a Bayesian credible interval. For this study, the sample data are accurate to within +/- 2.5 percentage points using a 95% confidence level.

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