5 Ways Managers and HRs Can Support Employees’ Mental Health

Learn what managers and HR people can do to help their employees with their mental health.

Table of Contents
1. Promote Mental Health Awareness
2. Model Healthy Behaviors 
3. Address Workplace Stress 
4. Offer Training and Education 
5. Evaluate your Benefit Offerings

In recent years, it has become important for organizations to focus on employees mental health; however, it is still a lacking problem as employers are not focusing on employees’ mental health and forcing them to meet their deadlines within the given timeline.Psychiatrists believe the more we talk about things, the better they are understood. The same goes for employees’ mental health. But there are still problems at work that make it hard for people to talk about mental health and get the help they need.

In this article, we’ll talk about what managers and HR people can do to help their employees with their mental health.

Promote Mental Health Awareness

Sometimes, it happens that employees feel hesitant to approach other employees or coworkers and struggle on their own. The main reason behind this is that they might make the situation uncomfortable for others by bringing up their issues.

To resolve this issue, Your HR team can promote mental health awareness in the workplace.

It will not only make employees feel they are being heard, but it will also make your workplace ideal with a culture of acceptance.

Not having a good workplace culture could have multiple negative effects, such as decreased productivity and long-term lapses in performance. Not only does it reduce your company’s efficiency, but it increases the chances of employee termination as well.

In such cases, managers and HRs can provide the help and resources to get them back on the right track because if they don’t talk, they might never receive the help they need.

You can also make your workplace more mental health-friendly by:

  • Encouraging employees to support each other. Maybe set up a group where they can talk and support each other.
  • Letting employees tell HR or managers about their stress or problems without saying who they are.
  • Giving training on how to solve problems, talk well, and deal with conflicts.
  • If you have one, tell your employees about your assistance program for them.

Model Healthy Behaviors

Show your team that you not only support mental health but actually show it by taking breaks for walks, setting limits, and planning staycations. Managers often focus so much on their team and work that they forget about themselves. Let your team know when you’re taking a break, going to therapy, or taking a day off to rest without checking emails. This helps them see that it’s okay to prioritize self-care and set boundaries.

Address Workplace Stress

As we all know, workplaces can be stressful sometimes, especially in spaces that have tight deadlines to meet or have loads of changes constantly, such as in tech or finance.

Pushing your employees in such scenarios can lead to stress, panic, underperformance, and quitting jobs. Considering and acknowledging workplace stress says a lot about your company’s availability to help workers and manage their burdens.

One of the great ways to manage stress is through counseling, as people handle stress differently, and in some cases, it is not optimistic. Managing stress is difficult, which can lead to unnecessary engagement with substance misuse.

Another strategy that can be useful is promoting the use of paid time off (PTO) to improve mental health. It is also vital for you to let your employees know that it’s okay to take days for themselves and decompress because some employees still feel afraid to take PTO out of fear they’ll be seen as lazy or unproductive. This will not only help employees manage their stress but will also provide your organization with an increase in a satisfied employee workforce.

Here are some tips you can use to help your employees feel less stressed:

  • Make sure they don’t have too much work to do.
  • Let managers talk with employees often to help them communicate better.
  • Stop any bullying, discrimination, or other bad behavior right away.
  • Celebrate when employees do a good job. This makes them feel good and less stressed.

Offer Training and Education

Offering training and education can be really helpful. You can give your employees programs to learn about mental health and how to stay strong when situations get tough. Not sure where to start? Here are a couple of ideas:

Mindful Path: This program teaches leaders how to see when someone might be feeling sad and how to talk to them in a caring way. They’ll learn how to listen well and be a good friend at work.

EmpowerMind: This program helps leaders make their teams feel safe talking about mental health. It teaches them to be kind and to make a place where everyone feels welcome.

The above-mentioned points are just two examples, but it’s important to find programs that work for your organization’s employee value. Providing your employees with the tools that can help them handle their mental health can make your workplace more supportive and understanding.

Evaluate your Benefit Offerings

Check out the benefits you give your employees and see if they help with mental health. Look at your health plans. Do they cover mental health services? It’s important to check what your company offers to make sure it helps support employees’ mental health.

You can also think about providing extra benefits that can help with mental well-being. Maybe offer help with money planning, discounts on amenities like gym memberships or massages to reduce stress, or employee assistance programs (EAPs) to support your employees when they need it.

When you stay focused to keep your employees happy, you will see more productivity, quality performance and stress free environment. It will encourage your employees to be excited to work at your company and will be more likely to stay.

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