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Marcum LLP Survey Reveals Trends in Hiring and PTO


CEOs are reporting difficulty hiring in specific areas like mid-level and information technology positions, according to the latest CEO survey from Marcum LLP and Hofstra University’s Frank G. Zarb School of Business. The survey serves as an essential barometer for gauging the current business environment and anticipating the strategic focuses of companies.

Hiring and Retention Trends:

“Given the current job market, where demand for skilled professionals is super high and talent is scarce, companies are really struggling to fill important positions,” said Brian Lucas, CEO of Marcum Search, the executive recruiting and staffing affiliate of Marcum LLP. “Our latest survey shows that offering flexible work arrangements, defined opportunities for advancement, and creative compensation packages are key to drawing in and retaining top talent. Our network gives us the leg up in identifying these key employees, which is exactly what sets Marcum Search apart in helping businesses get the expertise they need to grow and hit their goals.”

Survey Highlights

Outlook on Business Environment:

Industry-Specific Optimism:

Key Influences on Business Planning

External Concerns

Employee Use of PTO

The survey is developed, conducted, and analyzed by Zarb School MBA students, led by Dr. Andrew Forman, associate professor of international business and marketing, and in partnership with Marcum.

“The data underscores significant hiring challenges, particularly in mid-level and IT positions, which are critical for operational efficiency and growth,” shared Dr. Forman. “The emphasis on flexible work schedules and advancement opportunities highlights a shift in retention strategies essential for maintaining a competitive edge. This survey provides a clear snapshot of the economic and operational concerns that CEOs must address to navigate today’s complex market dynamics.”

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