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Vivian’s new features revolutionize healthcare hiring, has 2M+ Users


Vivian Health, the talent marketplace used by over 2 million healthcare professionals, today announced the launch of a collection of new features designed to enhance the job search process. These updates are giving clinicians more control over their careers while also giving recruiters faster access to the most relevant talent.

This launch comes at an exciting time, as Vivian has just surpassed two million healthcare professionals in total on the platform. While it took about five years to hit the one million clinician mark, it only took 16 months to get to the second million, highlighting that Vivian Health’s focus on the candidate experience resonates deeply with clinical job seekers looking for a built-for-healthcare job search experience.

While 60% of the first million clinicians on Vivian were in nursing, more than half of the second million are allied health professionals (such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and technicians), advanced practice, and other types of healthcare providers. Additionally, the cohort of clinicians in the second million are 12% more likely to be searching for a permanent position than a travel or contract position. The Vivian app has evolved to meet these needs with a wider range of job opportunities across all disciplines and employment types.

The features in this summer’s launch are designed to speed up the hiring process, give clinicians relevant jobs for their experience, and add even more transparency to healthcare recruiting.

Speed to Hire
Job posts on Vivian Health’s platform close in an average of 5 days. Vivian’s platform helps candidates prepare profiles that are as comprehensive as possible so it’s easy to send in an application and get submitted to an employer immediately.

Customized Job Opportunities
From the moment a clinician opens the app, Vivian has been customized to the user, with a useful dashboard to help easily find relevant job opportunities—notably through a completely redesigned job proposals experience and new Daily Matches feature.

Greater Job Transparency 
The decision to apply to one job over another is only as good as the information the candidate has, so Vivian has made an effort to increase transparency for job seekers on the platform.

“I view it as our responsibility to make sure that our users have the best tools and information possible to make these important career choices,” says Bill Kong, Chief Operating Officer of Vivian Health.

“We live in a critical time for healthcare workers, and unfortunately, many of them feel as though they are treated as if they are easily replaceable. We have seen the candidate-centric approach work, and we encourage all healthcare employers to join us,” says Vivian Health CEO and Co-founder, Parth Bhakta. “We believe in a world where all healthcare professionals have more control over their career trajectories. At a time when 42% of clinicians say they are considering leaving their profession entirely, it’s on all of us in healthcare to work to retain people in clinical careers. At Vivian, we’re providing a way for clinicians to find opportunities that are best for them.”

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