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Top 5 Employee Experience Trends in 2022

Employee Experience

With the growing influence of millennials and Gen Z entering the workforce, the employees expect career development with enjoyable and engaging experiences. As a hybrid workforce kicks in, the responsibility for businesses is creating a healthy work environment. WFH and WFO have their pros and cons. By understanding what works for your organization, you have the power to create experiences that are life-long remembered, creating a positive image for your brand.

Employee Experience is employee perceptions about their work experiences as they interact with the organization. Employees can invest more of their whole selves into the workplace as a positive and powerful – and ultimately human – experience. It clarifies the role of leaders and managers in ensuring that employees have a positive experience. It demonstrates how leaders can make their company more relational, instead of just transactional.

Markets are still volatile with so much going on at the backdrop. With wage cuts, mass resignations, and changing workforce scenarios; 2022 is a crucial time to focus on enhancing the employee experience. Here are the top five Employee Experience trends to follow in 2022-

1. Talent supply chain investment

Every industry has faced issues with global supply chains in the last few years. Businesses are availing regionalized supply chains to eliminate dependence on international suppliers. This thinking will create new problems with the talent supply chain.

Talent supply chain initiates with employees producing raw material and extending it to the factory floor. When companies start building in-house factories, there is major talent displacement. Some invest in AI-driven solutions and robotics are around the corner. It again needs a different set of talent with creativity and innovation.

As companies rethink their talent supply chains, they should consider the widening talent gap with empathy.

2. Eventful Workplaces

It’s difficult to convince employees to come back to office spaces when they have taken a couple of years to find the right work-home balance. To entice them back to offices, offices spaces should become more like a fun event space. But, how do you create a happening, fun-loving, and engaging workspace?

Companies require talent and tools to make the next-generation workspace. The importance of coworking events in community building cannot be overstated. They can help strengthen existing relationships by increasing shared workplace satisfaction, recruiting new members, and even benefiting the local community. 

3. Availing Automation

Managers have a pivotal role in EX as they are the first point of contact with employees. The manager-employee relationship plays a vital part in employees’ experience towards the organization. Managerial tasks are hefty loads of work. What if technology takes care of the tasks like scheduling, approving expense reports, and keeping track of direct reports’ task completion?

With an increase in automation, there will decrease in hiring more managers or the expectations of what a manager is supposed to do will change. Organizations choosing to shift their managers’ expectations must shift their managers’ mindsets and skillsets. From managing tasks to managing the entire employee experience, it can be a game-changer for talent acquisition.

4. Focusing on Employee Benefits

Let’s admit that the sparkly perks of an organization attract new talent instantly. But as we have seen the Great Resignation, we understand that the sparkly benefits aren’t enough for the employees. People wouldn’t settle for the bare minimum. So why not focus on giving benefits that matter?

2022 will see more employee benefits defining what matters to people. Healthcare, childcare, flexibility, adaptability, and constant growth are only a few of them.
Analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) enable an integrated, data-driven, employee-centric approach to benefits. New-age benefit solutions can be seamlessly integrated into the organization’s fabric and linked to internal and external resources to facilitate informed decisions.

5. Employee Wellness- The new metrics

An employee’s productivity depends on multiple wellness factors. Physical, mental, and financial wellness are new measures to be taken care of. According to a Gartner 2020 survey of 52 HR executives, 94 percent of companies have made substantial investments in their well-being programs.

Technology should encourage active participation in a program and assist employees in achieving positive health outcomes. A wellness program should be framed for what it is: a fun way to improve your health by “gamifying” it with elements like teamwork, competition, and instant rewards.


In the data-driven world, leaders will shape how we interpret experiences at work. They will have to brainstorm and envision new ways of working and creating people-centric workplaces. 

Employee experience can attract the best, most highly qualified people to your company. Employees should be looking forward to showing up for work. After understanding the new dynamics of the workforce, organizations who decide to step up and upgrade can make 2022 their year! 

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