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ReelTrain launches its cutting-edge platform


ReelTrain, the “bite-sized training feed” technology company, today announced the launch of its cutting-edge platform that helps create human happiness and fulfillment in the workplace.

ReelTrain is the first employee-generated training content company to serve up authentically curated, bite-sized chunks of relevant training at an accelerated pace. The platform offers role-based mobile training feeds of employee-uploaded video reels and images or connected content shared through YouTube, Instagram, TikTok and Vimeo — transforming the traditional approach to training, while rewarding and supporting employees in effective learning and better retention, creating lasting change in the workplace.

Since the pandemic, companies have increasingly beenmoving away from traditional, expensive employee training, according to a 2022 article in the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Instead, employees need “focused, micro-learning opportunities,” including “short videos, online training, mentoring sessions,” SHRM wrote. This stems from studies that have shown most training in today’s corporate world is not only ineffective, but the purpose, timing, and content of the training is flawed.

“Traditional, old-school ways of training just don’t work anymore with respect to the way people now consume information,” said Evan Rogers, founder and CEO of ReelTrain. “With traditional training, people are simply checking boxes and aren’t retaining information. ReelTrain is about providing a fun, Chick-Fil-A-like learning experience to every employee. It’s not just about checking a box to complete training. It’s about engaging. It’s about creating a culture of investing in your employees, and it’s about engaging learning that actually improves job satisfaction — impacting the entire customer service experience.”

ReelTrain has developed a user-friendly, effective, and engaging platform that keeps employees coming back for more. It starts with authenticity — which means the employer gets to create its own baseline and then curate easy-to-digest content for its team members, by its team members, through a medium they’re familiar with.

Understanding that everyone’s brain is different, ReelTrain has developed a training method that ensures each user can consume information in a way the current working generation has already been trained to consume information — through short feeds of video reels, images, and hyperlinked Internet content.

“However, unlike the never-ending social and news feeds that can be overwhelming, ReelTrain provides team members with a feed they can actually empty out — giving them a sense of accomplishment they aren’t used to,” Rogers said.

Team members feel that they, and their experience, are valued as they are asked to help create the organization’s training content. They do this by uploading their own video reels and pictures, or linking to other relevant content, which can then be used to train their peers.

“We need to completely disrupt how we look at how we are training today’s workforce,” Rogers said. “We’re confident this is the future of employee training.”

ReelTrain’s platform offers numerous benefits to SMBs, where customer service and brand reputation is critical. Improved levels of customer service translate to better business outcomes, increased employee retention and better job satisfaction.

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