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New Podcast: Are You Ready for the Future of Work?

New Podcast: Are You Ready

UC Berkeley Extension, the continuing education arm of UC Berkeley, and the EDGE in Tech Initiative at UC, are thrilled to announce their new podcast, “The Future of Work.” Each month, we speak with industry leaders to discuss how work as we know it is changing and the impact of the accelerating rate of change on employees, companies and academia.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the way we worked and the skills we needed to succeed in our respective fields was shifting. An increased reliance on data to inform business decisions. Automation of job functions changing or eliminating roles. A greater demand to incorporate sustainability into everyday processes. Permeable borders and global workforces.

And then COVID-19 shut down the world. Racism and inequalities came to dominate every conversation. The supply chain became dinner table conversation. Companies publicly grappled with DE&I and social justice issues. Overnight, many companies had a remote workforce. Fundamentally, the way we work today looks drastically different from just a few years ago. What trends, skills, technologies and equity issues from AI and automation will we face in the years to come? Each month, we talk with industry leaders in their fields to discuss the changing evolution of the workforce and the skills needed to stay competitive.

Adaptability and diversity are at the forefront of conversations—not just in the C-Suite, but across companies and at the individual level. Host Jill Finlayson, Director of EDGE in Tech Initiative at UC, says, “The skills needed to stay relevant in the workforce are changing at a rapid pace. Skills that were once ‘nice to have’ are now essential, and the ability to upskill is critical. Continuous learning is becoming the new normal. And access to jobs and job skills is the key equity issue for our generation and one of the most important levers to reduce the wealth gap and promote equal opportunity. I’m excited to partner with UC Berkeley Extension to shed light on the challenges facing our workforce and what each of us can do to future-proof our own careers.”

“The Future of Work” is off to a hot start with its first episodes diving into women in leadership, the rapid increase of jobs in biotechnology and the idea of learning by “unlearning.” In just its first few months, the podcast is seeing a growing number of followers and plays. The Future of Work is a hot topic for anyone wanting a competitive edge, to stay relevant and to be prepared as we enter the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Future episodes will cover the democracy of data, fusing essential (soft) and hard skills and humanizing remote work, among other work-related issues.

To listen to the most recent episode of the show, check out “The Future of Work” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Amazon Music or our dedicated blog page.

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