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ISG Launches Training as a Service Capability


Information Services Group (ISG) (Nasdaq: III), a leading global technology research and advisory firm, has announced the global launch of ISG Training as a Service (TaaS), the first managed service training solution to deliver on the promise of a bespoke workforce curriculum at scale.

ISG TaaS delivers on-demand access to custom learning content designed to develop critical skills and accelerate enterprise adoption of technology and software, as well as live learning support available around the clock, five days a week.

Clients can adjust and scale training as needed to reduce onboarding time, maximize software ROI and upskill employees at a speed, scale, and cost not previously available. The ISG TaaS model can be tailored to meet each client’s unique needs and budget, offering a business case that delivers substantial cost savings and return on investment on training operations over the long term.

A learning-services-and-software subscription offering, ISG TaaS is currently being used by select beta clients. On average, these clients have realized more than a 50 percent return on their investment.

Introducing ISG TaaS today at the ISG Future Workplace Summit in New York, Doug Teachey, global leader, ISG Training as a Service, said a top-three U.S. banking and financial services firm eliminated a two-year backlog in its training development plan with this new ISG training solution, and saved $19 million in the first year. The client is continuing to use ISG TaaS to train more than 40,000 new hires a year on hundreds of applications and launch new, revenue-generating business initiatives in half the original time.

Teachey cited other examples, including that of a global pharmaceutical company that used ISG TaaS during a complex merger to optimize its use of existing learning technology investments and transition its training from a cost center to a profit center. In addition, he said, a major technology company used the new offering to onboard revenue-generating roles in three-quarters of the expected time, with an expected ROI of more than $100 million over five years.

Chairing the panel discussion, “The Great Resignation to the Great Regret, What’s Next?,” at today’s ISG Future Workplace Summit, Teachey said: “Record employee turnover, remote work and continual digital transformation have forced a shift from generic, outdated training programs to a more dynamic, on-demand learning model that is relevant to the modern corporate learner. The old way of ’just getting by’ when it comes to training isn’t effective in the current hybrid, fast-evolving work environment.”

Teachey said ISG TaaS fills a market need for such on-demand learning. “Few companies have the resources to design real-world, hands-on system training simulations, digital adoption platforms and virtual or mixed-reality training at scale, but that is exactly what is needed in today’s workplace.”

The benefits of such an approach, Teachey said, go beyond efficiency and cost savings. “Many employees who made career moves during the pandemic were driven by the frustration that can result from inadequate training and development,” Teachey said. “The ISG TaaS solution is an important element in helping enterprises navigate a changing labor landscape and focus on retention, workforce development and a next-generation employee experience.”

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