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HRTech Platform Namely Adds Anonymous Reporting to Toolkit


Recognizing that 70 percent of employees who experience or witness harassment in the workplace never report it, Namely, the leading HR platform for mid-sized companies, today announced the availability of Tell Us, an anonymous reporting platform.

Workplace harassment takes many forms, ranging from cyberbullying to physical stalking. Lacking a safe way to report it, many employees never gain resolution and, instead, wind up leaving an organization. As a result, employers lose valuable talent, damage their employment brands, and risk violation of anti-harassment laws.

Namely’s Tell Us offering includes a dedicated portal that enables employees to submit anonymized reports securely, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Employees can select their preferred confidentiality level, indicate whether they are reporting on behalf of themselves or someone else, share details of the parties involved and their role in the incident, and upload any relevant materials.

Once received, the employer can address, resolve, and follow up on the incident through masked, two-way communication with the individual who submitted the report. Tell Us works to manage and track the report from start to finish, ensuring proper documentation for anti-harassment governance, all from within the anonymous framework. The comprehensive solution enables consistent compliance programs that align with workplace requirements and regulatory standards to prevent costly litigation and mitigate reputational risk.

Namely CEO Larry Dunivan commented, “When it comes to incident reporting, most employees don’t feel comfortable coming forward because it means having to email HR, call a hotline, or talk directly to their supervisor. Tell Us takes a different approach, giving employees a safe space to voice their concerns anonymously. For employees, that helps identify issues and inspire action and reinforce a culture built on trust and communication.”

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