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HRTech Interview with Thea Watson, Chief International Growth & Marketing Officer at BrightHR


Please share with us your role as the Chief International Growth & Marketing Officer at BrightHR.

● To grow both reach and brand affinity with BrightHR across existing and new territories to drive business growth.
● Attract new customers through marketing and partnerships.
● Inform product development with market insights, customer demands, and opportunities to drive both new customers and retain existing ones.
● Deepen differentiation against competitors with both market positioning & product development.
● Drive product utilization and engagement
● Create a great customer experience.

What attracted you to move into the HR technology and management field?

First the entrepreneurial and inspiring leadership at BrightHR. CEO and Founder Peter Done and COO Alan Price, have built incredible businesses and are amazing leaders. I was excited to work alongside them.

SaaS has always interested me. Coming from 10+ years at Hays I have a wealth of knowledge of HR through my recruitment experience. Working with businesses and supporting them in navigating the world of work is incredibly exciting. The business change rate is unprecedented with economics, politics, legislation, consumer, and staff wants, needs, and changes, not to mention the pace of change with tech.

I love that we can solve problems for businesses. That we can help them navigate change. Not only can we help transform HR, automate processes, drive efficiencies, and mitigate risk – we can also help businesses grow.

Our CTO, Alastair Brown, has a hugely diverse and successful career and he and his team have built a best-in-class SaaS product that has the customer at the heart of every decision. Based on this I knew I wanted to be a part of it.

Brief our audience about BrightHR and give us an overview of its solutions.

We’re HR and H&S software.
Software needed to manage HR and H&S, expert advice to mitigate risk with HR and employment law, and then tools to support the business’s growth.

We’re not like other HR software that just takes care of the basics.
Within one platform, world-class and award-winning UX, we help businesses.
● Manage staff.
● Attract and retain staff.
● Ensure business and people compliance.
● Log and manage H&S risks.
● Support employee well-being & perks
● Develop staff with learning.
● Advertise and grow their business.

A key product that only we have is our online marketplace where businesses can advertise their products and services for free to over 1 million people and 90,000+ businesses.

A learning management system to support H&S compliance but also HR and staff development.

An AI-powered chat tool that has over 9,000 HR-related questions that can provide expert advice anywhere, anytime.

Everything you need to simply manage your staff, all in one place:

● Shift & schedule planning tool for any working pattern.
● Track & monitor sickness and absence effortlessly.
● Expense tracker app (POP) that calculates spending for you.
● Staff holiday planner & booking system that’s automatically compliant.
● Overtime tracker that makes payroll easier
● Clocking-in and -out app (Blip) that saves you money.
● Unlimited & secure document storage
● Document to-do lists that link tasks to files for error-free management.
● Export payroll-ready data
● Legally compliant HR reports

What are the core values on which BrightHR is built and what is the mission of the organization?

Our mission at BrightHR is to transform people management.

We have a common set of values across the Peninsula Group, to which BrightHR is the SaaS product and software.

Can you speak a little bit about HR software and how it helps small and large businesses manage employees and their data?

Our HR software
● Automates HR tasks.
● Tracks new starters & leavers compliantly.
● Has built-in prompts and alerts to support managers and employees with completing HR tasks, keeping their data up to date and compliant.
● Helps manage and track employees in any working situation – in the office, hybrid, or fully remote.
● Ensures staff is accurately paid.
● Ensures staff take their holiday, paid accurate overtime, and manage sick leave.
● All together gives both employee and employer peace of mind in addition to making it easier to manage HR.

According to you, how has the integration of advanced technologies like AI and ML changed the face of the HR industry?

We use AI in a digital HR sense, via AI-powered chat to support managers, owners, and staff get instant access to HR advice.

These types of technologies help drive further efficiencies and faster access to information. HR and H&S are complicated by ever-changing legislation.

Technology like AI can help power software and tools to ensure the speed of information.

What are the latest trends in AI & ML and how does BrightHR address it?

We’re seeing AI and ML powering advice, but also learning & development, and recruitment.

We’re also seeing technology like RPA change payrolling and how we manage the finance side of the business too.

The key is time and speed. The transformation trend is how all of these things help people find people, manage people, or develop people faster.

The other part is that with technological change like chatGPT – while technology is clearly changing human behavior and also removing human tasks – HR is still about people.

We see that these tools and technology are helping people be better, compliant, and better.

With 15 years of experience, what advice would you give the budding entrepreneur aspiring to venture into HR management?

Be ready for the pace of change. Invest in technology as there isn’t a choice. Keep it simple.

The right technology or software partner can and should make your job easier and help you grow.

With such a pace you need a partner that is leading, developing, and creating. Growth is about being forward-looking.

Finally, what are your plans for your company, and how do you see it evolving in the years to come to stay ahead of the competition?

Learning, micro-learning, and agile learning are key terms we regularly use. We’re building an LMS into our HR and H&S products to support learning.

Creating a facility to develop is key to helping businesses succeed, attract and retain staff and grow their business.

We’re investing heavily in learning and technology to help businesses with this.

Secondly, it’s about efficiencies – making each product and feature more integrated, and easier to use to help make HR even easier and faster to manage.

Finally, growth – we don’t just want to be HR we want to help businesses end-to-end grow, develop, and succeed, and doing this by expanding into engagement, rewards, and advertising.

At the end of the day be customer-centric. We have to keep the needs of the customer front and center. 

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Thea Watson Chief International Growth & Marketing Officer at BrightHR

Thea Watson is Chief International Growth and Marketing Officer at BrightHR. She is responsible for BrightHR’s global growth strategy. Thea has significant strategic marketing experience, including driving digital transformation across email, web, social media, and marketing automation, running sales-focused omnichannel marketing programs through both inbound and outbound tactics, managing high-performing lead generation strategies for sales, and delivering incremental engagement and value through effective segmentation of large customer volumes. She believes that marketing can transform an organization if the customer is at the heart of the decision-making, while the activities are commercially relevant and focused.

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