Site icon HrTech Cube Opens LEAD Award Nominations for Human Experience Summit, the largest network of human resources (HR) executives, has opened award nominations for the 38th annual LEAD Awards program, with nominations due by January 5th. Award winners will be announced and celebrated on February 18, 2021 at the virtual awards ceremony, closing out the two-day 2021 Human Experience Summit.

The awards program will showcase exemplary work in HR and leadership, how other companies are developing their leaders. Award recipients will gain organizational and employer brand exposure by joining the coveted ranks of top industry leaders, gaining worldwide recognition as an employer that truly cares about HR best practices, a featured article in a publication to over 1.75 million HR executives through written and filmed interviews in’s Leadership Excellence ePublication, and access to a community of executives passionate about leadership development programs for networking.

Leaders across all corporations, churches, schools, government bodies or small businesses with leadership development programs implemented internally may nominate in any of the fifteen (15) corporate award categories or four (4) educational institution categories:

The Corporate award categories include:

The Educational Institution categories include:

1. Custom Content Programming with Emphasis on Leadership / Organizational Development
2. Degree / Diploma Program with Emphasis on HR
3. Master’s Program with Emphasis on HR
4. Master’s Program with Emphasis on Leadership / Organizational Development

CEO and Chief Instigator at Debbie McGrath says, “With the extra demands on HR professionals this year throughout the pandemic, we want to ensure that HR teams get the recognition they deserve and are celebrated. We’re honored to be able to highlight the outstanding work being done by the HR community in light of all the challenges.”

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