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DataStax Utilizes Workato to Ease Hiring and Onboarding Processes


Workato, the leading Enterprise Automation platform, announced today that the real-time data company DataStax will use Workato to automate hiring the best talent and ensuring their success. As a cloud-based real-time data company, good data management is a high priority for DataStax as well as leveraging other cloud-based technologies.

“With Workato, we are able to integrate the data in our HCM system with other applications to accelerate and improve the hiring and onboarding process and help ensure our new hires are successful in their roles,” said Arlen Thurber, Senior Business & Systems Engineer at DataStax.

Workato gives DataStax tools to overcome the constraints of HCM and applicant tracking systems–like a lack of native integrations (which required manual APIs), a lack of automation features, and the maintenance required to integrate applications with many dependencies–so it can quickly and automatically deliver the critical emails that keep recruits in the loop.

“We’ve automated 6,500 emails for a time savings of 99.9%,” says Thurber. “As a high-growth company, it is important that we continue to deliver solid experiences for our job candidates and new employees. Workato made it easy to integrate our people data so we could automate a time consuming and distracting process without compromising our high standards for management and security.”

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